If there is a childish game.. i gotta say that it is Battletoads.. however i tested Batman Arkham city but stopped playing it because you're attacks had way too small damage rate..
To those that wanted to know what i wanted to post. .here it is http://www.google.fi/imgres?q=spiderman+trolls&um=1&hl=sv&sa=N&biw=1280&bih=939&tbm=isch&tbnid=ybB-aevIe3QmZM:&imgrefurl=http://thisblogsuckssorry.blogspot.com/2011/04/best-spiderman-troll.html&docid=xK-mr56JNRTInM&imgurl=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-HY5coejPqKU/TaxhGaSHLuI/AAAAAAAAAcQ/NeiJQhQv1LA/s1600/1%252B%2525252825%25252529.jpg&w=500&h=367&ei=X6wuT9eIC5La4QSn7KWfDg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=373&vpy=60&dur=399&hovh=169&hovw=230&tx=149&ty=134&sig=105169440077871146818&page=1&tbnh=119&tbnw=162&start=0&ndsp=30&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0
No, i dont want transforming into chairs games and stuff.. If i find no better i guess im going to stick to Prototype 2 when it releases and maybe some Age of mythology.. Dominions 3 seems more like a Medieval total war game.. as medieval total war even seems better than Dominions 3 ..
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