Hello! Is there any games thats similar to inFamous? especially with that 'use electricity to attack' -ish thingy.. what i mean is that as long that the attacks base on "charging" electricty and the ability to freeroam its fine. Games i alredy played : Prototype Prince of Persia Assassins creed _________________
Oh well, i gotta say that Driver san fransisco winns overall, but i really miss the customizing cars, i like the game overall but i wish i could get 'cooler' cars, suggestions?
Hello! I am looking for a good racing game. What i require in the most games is : Good Graphics Good Gameplay Nice Story FREEROAM! As this is a racing game i require : Good Graphics That you can customize the cars Freeroam Campaign/Career IF POSSIBLE : A mod, or just in-game a first person view.
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