its only retail for now..its not in games on demandyo just got my xbox on monday i was wondering if you download gears 2 of games on demand can you still play it online?
Xbox360Gamer15's forum posts
i like the game..the demo rocksIm sure most here checked out the new preview gameplay to Red factions Armageddon with commentary from the lead producer. I was never involved in these games but i heard they were good games. I dont know what you guys think from the preview. It looked like a whole lot of building smashing and gay alien shooting with decent to minimal standard graphics. Might as well call it Mass Company Armageddon. I hate to say will it be good because the game hasnt come out yet and im sure they have alot more to do?, lets hope. What do you think about the preview so far?
it has matchmakingthis probally is not the right place but plz bare with me.Does gears 3 have server based online or trueskill matchmaking.
you have to type in the song names yourselfok when i make a playlist on windows media player 11 the xbox reads the playlist name but it dosent show the songs? what can be the problem
the 3rd patch came outI just bought the game today for the 360, and I heard from everyone that the game is buggy. It is to my understanding that they released a patch many months ago to fix some of the bugs and performance issues, and that recently, the developers said they were going to release another patch to stabilize the game even more. Has that 2nd patch come out yet? How does the game run right now? Is playing this game bad for your 360?
first off sorry if the belongs in system war or not because i don't think it does. anyways i'm moving over from my ps3 as the main gaming provider and i was wondering is there a website that i can checkout a game that has more then one disk or not?HiramJ866theres lost oddyssy
no one plays on the 360 but if you and some friends have the orange box we could set up a GT is davidguitar15I want to know if anyone still plays that amazing game? (TF2)
Okay, the only Spec Ops I haven't done on veteran are:
Homeland Security
Estate Takedown
Armour PiercingI will also help with any you haven't already got.
These will get me the last two achievements in MW2 so please help.
Send a friend request to BlastHazzard mentioning this topic if you are interested.
Thanks :)
my GT is davidguitar 15, id be glad to help you
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