You can do that right now. In some places its even legal. Would I do it? Niet.
XenoLair's forum posts
PC's arent defined by generations of consoles. They arent consoles. A PC made today and a PC made 10 years ago is still a PC. How can you place it in one generation? Also consider that PC gaming's been around for 30 years now - would that make it 1st gen?
You just can't. PC is PC. It plays games as good as its hardware will allow it. It is exempt from the generation classification.
Fallout 4, Mass Effect 4, Witcher 3
All sequels.. a shame.
DLC is bad and all but I really hate it when they advertise DLC as being a feature of the game. Seriously? The game will allow me to spend extra money on stuff that should already be in the game? Well don't I feel privileged.
The kind of DLC that doesn't allow you to complete certain aspects of the game. Ex: you can't get all gold medals in Dirt 3 because each track set has one track that is DLC and you have to ace that one too to get a gold medal. Pisses me off so much.
Yes. Not to a great extent but they do influence me.
Say a game gets a 4 / 10 score across the board with most professional reviewers. That would influence me to an extent to not buy the game on release, even if I was hyped for it. I'd still get the game down the line when it was on sale. An example would be Colonial Marines. Initially planned for a day 1 buy, I skipped it due to low scores but I still ended up getting it, only at a 90% discount.
I've bought a few games based on their score alone. A prime example being Red Dead Redemption, which ended up being one of my favorite games of the decade. I also got Max Payne 3 based on its 9.5/10 score - which I regret to this day, have not finished it and believe it's one of the most overrated games of this generation.
Although a much larger influence to me is possible previous entries in its franchise - I got every Halo game after Halo 3 just because I liked H3. Same goes for a lot of other games.
@The_Last_Ride: I'm neutral to his views. He's somewhat of a PC elitist so I can see why people would not like him.
@thegerg: Maybe you live in lala land or something but where I'm from, people work all day just to get by. They work hard. They don't sit in front of the computer all day. They aren't free to buy whatever they like, live how they want, have as many children as they'd like. I call that slavery, not freedom. I wasn't trying to compare it to the form we all know was present some 200 years ago. A rough form of what I'm talking about is wage slavery.
@XenoLair: Comparing working on Thanksgiving to slavery. Ignorant and disgusting.
This is new age slavery. Open your eyes. Working all day for minimum wage, having to spend it all on a place to live and food.
I don't see the problem.
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