If you think everyone's been clamoring over a screenshot, you've been misinformed. There is quite a lot of footage out, including:
Interview on the dynamic AI.
Tech Interview.
Art and Audio Interview
Producer Interview.
Multiplayer Footage
And, an article detailing the features of multiplayer.
What makes a game revolutionary? I think what is meant here is that the experience of playing is dramatically better than what's been offered by previous FPS titles. Take Blu-Ray compared to DVD. Sure, a movie is a movie, and Blu-Ray doesn't reinvent movies, but it considerably heightens the experience of watching them, as well as hearing them. In that sense, you could say that Blu-Ray is revolutionary. The same can be said for Killzone 2. Just from watching footage of KZ2, when I play COD4, it suddenly looks very dated, as if KZ2 is going to be released on a newer system. I have even watched a lot of footage of Crysis, but still don't think that it has nearly the overall visceral appeal of Killzone 2. It just doesn't look this beautiful during battle, and although there are tons of fine details in Crysis, it just doesn't have the fluidity and the CGI appearance that Killzone 2 does. That's just my opinion, and I would venture to say that KZ2 is the best looking FPS yet, overall. Looks aren't everything, of course, but the gameplay has a unique feel as well, and it's already been put through beta with much acclaim. As TTP said, "Let the hype engulf you."
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