I played Success mode, and then Season mode, in MLB Power Pros, for 11 hours the day i bought it, but i did leave it on when i went to get lunch with my friend, for 2 hours or so.
Uh, the whole idea of a demo is to represent the whole game with a portion of it for free. You can absolutely bash a game because of a bad demo. If it wasn't quality, they shouldn't have released it. No one is making them.
I hear lots of bad things about PDZ, but the collector's edition was sitting on the shelf at gamestop for 14.99 the other day, asking me to buy it. i tried the demo and it seemed ok, why does it have a bad rep?
I'm kinda mad, i just bought NCAA baseball 2006 for 8 bucks used, and it doesn't play. at least i can return it, but still. wanted to create me a university.
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