Xerlaoth's forum posts
Considering the gc controller was the worst designed controller i have ever had..the vc controller.dieasgrey
you're the first person i've ever seen with that opinion. i found that to be the best controller ever.
lmao some 1 said i lost my some of my respect for nintendo beacuse of this bs. lmao
listen here u mite not like the idea of pokemonbeing the first online game but there are a lot of people happy. im not realy pumped about the first online game to be pokemon but who cares. what im trying to say is that nintendo wants to make money and thats wat there going to do with pokemon. theres allways the bigs and mario strikers and lots more online games coming out. and there like a millon little kids who go crazy about pokemon.
actually closer to 100 million little kids, and 50 million adults.
disappointed with this thread, yah.
i'm a pokemon fan, so i'm not disappointed by it being the first online game. they had to pick something, so whatever.
if you're disappointed by the VC, you're expecting entirely too much. personally, i make about 300 dollars a week, and with bills and whatnot, i couldn't afford it if all my favorite old games came out too rapidly.
i don't see the big loss with rare, we wouldn't have their best game (goldeneye) even if they were on board, because of james bond liscensing issues.
and square will not release their snes games for 8 dollars when they can re-release them for DS or GBA for 30-40 dollars a pop. that's just bad economics.
like i said, stop looking the gift horse in the mouth.
There's yer CT and FF4, for 10.99. So the people dyin for it can live another day
1. Smash Brothers
2. Metroid Prime 3
3. DQ Swords
4. Harry Potter
5. MLB: The Bigs
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