About five... a year.
Xirmi's forum posts
Both COD4 and COD:MW2 have exposed me to some of the most unsportsmanlike gaming ever. The multiplayer is basically a combination of camping (not just defensive play, but camping as a playing style), exploits (spawn-killing, 3 grenades + martyrdom combos, noob-tubes), hacks and players with egos like Duke Nukem's... except with squeaky twelve-year old voices.
That's why I'm excited that Black Ops has an offline multiplayer.
There hasn't been a shooter without campers so far, and there probably won't be. If Black Ops is camp heavy (which it will be) I'll just play it's Combat Training mode. The AI won't camp, probably.
I didn't find Killzone 2 glitchy, and hip firing was more accurate for me than aiming down the sights (but that's just me). Also, you can easily change the controls if you want to. I did.
I didn't like the weighted feel that much, but I still liked Killzone 2. I hope you don't have to aim down the sights all the time though. I like the fact that firing from the hip was accurate too.
Aiming down the sights seems to be cleared than in Killzone 2, which is good, cause I could never see anything.
It's probably Dead Space for me. It's not jump-out-your-seat scary, but it's so tense that I need a break about every chapter. The biggest jump moment came from somewhere unexpected though: Bioshock 2. You forget how ugly and deformed the splicers are until you turn around and see one in your face.
I think Meh. I played Red all the way through, but couldn't find the energy to finish any others. They follow the same formula too closely, and it feels like I'm playing the same game, even if it has more content and better graphics.
I didn't play FFXIII, but I saw others playing it and I wasn't too impressed. XII was a blast though. I loved that game.
Well, other posters have supplied you with builds and stat suggestions. I'll just help them along by saying that I have a dwarf rogue (dual-wield, maybe level 16) who can deal about 250 damage per second when he's backstabbing. If you have a good tank that keeps enemies off the rogue, you can practically mow down anything.
I'm looking forward to both Killzone 3 and Crysis 2, but if I had to choose between them, I'd probably pick Crysis 2. Refitting your gun on the spot plus the suit's abilities means more varied gameplay, which is awesome.
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