XlpranksterlX's forum posts
I watched from beginning to end and have yet to receive my emblem. I didn't comment, and didn't take a screenshot. I can say what I saw, but don't know what has been said already. There are over 30+ pages of this thread, I'm not going through each one to see what has been said, so here goes:
Ryan McDonlad was the host, and he was sitting in a chair with a laptop in his lap. The person demoing the game was a young man, about as old as Ryan, a little chubbier. I think he was wearing a dark shirt that had a logo on the front that looked like the gamestop logo but I'm not sure. They showed the demo that was supposed to be available on XBL that day but it wasn't, at least for me. At first they loaded up the demo with the Commando cl.ass that can use heavy weapons and has more health ect. Then before finishing the first segment it was some other c.lass I don't recall what it did, but I remember he then switched out to the 3rd c.lass which I think was able to cut wires and handle snipers better or something like that. As he was playing Ryan was asking him questions about the game. later on there was a tank segment where he got in the vehicle but then got and was like "you don't have to use the tank you can go use the panzers." Other things that were asked and said:
-Some kid asked whether or not it was the Unreal 3 engine and it was so Ryan said "Yes, good eye" or something to that effect. (personally I think the kid was showing off because the video was too small to tell IMO.)
-At about the time they reached the HQ (about the middle part of the show) they asked about body damage and if you take a shot to the foot do you react differently than a shot to the arm ect. He said no but that there are different animations. I'm not sure about his answer because if there are different animations wouldn't that mean yes? I was confused then too.
-He said he was working on the game over memorial day weekend.
-Someone asked about the guns and he said all the typicals would be in there, MP44, Thompson ect (I think the mentioned the thompson last in that answer too.)
-They talked about how there is almost no hud so the game can be more immersive but there was a big compass and a health bar in the bottom? Go figure. The compass was on the bottom left btw.
I hope this is enough proof that I watched the show. I don't know if its at all helpful to know that I didn't recieve the Lord of the rings emblem neither (the page to email tech support never worked for me, I could understand if its too late now.) Thanks gamespot!
Nope. From Software ruined the series. This game is just not fun to play. The graphics look like an early PS2 title, the gameplay is stuck in the PS1-era, and the controls aren't great at all. BioShockOwnz
I agree.
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