As long as its always on, you pay a monthly fee, your living room meets the required, ram,mhz, cpu, drivers, video card and you dont mind not having any support or expect refunds.
@gamingnerd121 Or people who dont want to spend there life playing for 15 days in thier moms basement for a stupid legendary pair of boots.. Some people have lives and enjoy playing games and arent into RIPOFF auction house scams for their idea of fun..
@highlanderjimd YOu have to be a moron to play the PC version and pay money for the rip off AH. Hey let me click with my finger pointer for 600 hours to get a pair of boots.. oh soo fun...
@T_0_D aggreed! pc version is terrible. uncomfortable, pointy clickey, .. console is a much improved experience, no rmah, better loot, better looking on big screen, optimized even experience, coop much better is lazyboy, beer, headset..
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