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Xx-CLOUD-xX Blog

IM back :)

kSorry I havent been in for a while ive benn very busy and recently got my xbox back busy getting my rank higher in halo 3 :) Well anwyas since im a paer boy i managed to collect around 200 $ so far becuz of christmas... Im really looking ata ps3 now ;)


I would just like to say happy birthday psp! My psp has turned 1 year old =D o yeah his b-day was on december 10th the day i got him ;) o yeah and mt b-day was 3 days ago but who cares! HAPPY BIRTHDAY PSP!!!!

Okay thts it microsoft Ps3 here i come

Since ive had to turn in my xbox 360 to microsoft TWICE now im thinking more about getting a ps3.. My bro is even thinking of helping me due to what haoppened... Anywas im looking at the 40 gb.. Oyeah and iwould also like to give a huge thanks to the people who write in my blogs gay or not gay Special thanks to:




Breetel08 and anyone esle who writes in THANKS ALOT!

Ring Of Death.. ;( (cry)

Yesterday at 7:00 or around there my Xbox 360 was acting funny and freezing and stuff. So I turned my xbox off to find 3 flashing red lights on my 360 ;( Oh man was i scared.. So i called my brother down and we called microsoft..... They said they would give me a new 360 but im a bit angry because i wanted to play 360 with my cousins when they came over on christmas ;( Well does anyone know how long it will take... Oh and by the way this is the THIRD 360 im getting frokm microsoft..

Just got 3 new games

Just got assasins creed, gears of war and the elderscrolls oblivion..... there all so awesome... Im also planning on getting either rainbow six vegas or guitar hero 2 (with guitar) if you wondering where im suddenly getting all the money to get these games its because of my papers route and also sumpin else.. u can guess in the comments..

Just realized... My birthdays coming up??

I just realized my birthdays coming up in a week.. usually im thinking about my birthday for a month before but this is differint ;o well anyways i got 3 new psp games ( Miami Vice, Brave story, and i also got SSX on tour.) Also tell me which is better. Guitar hero 2 (no guitar) or Rainbow six vegas... anywas c ya

If your cool you will add my Xbox live

Yea well ive had an xbox for about a year now and i havent really wanted to add people to my friends list on it because I dont have gold yet but since my B-day is coming up im getting a gold subscription :p. Well anywas add me.. my name is LengendaryCl0UD ( the O is actually a zero though) ;) Im not getting the gold for another week or two though so w/e.. Or jst give me your name and ill add u. And if u could say who uare in the comments that would be great ;) thnaks alot.. u are truely cool if u added me ;0

Rock Band :D

I was just doing som,e reasearch to find out that rockbands the game is going to have 2 ssongs of my 2 favourite bands " fall out boy, and coheed and cambria". I reallly want to get it but it REALLY expensive.. its hard for me to take 170 $ out of my pocket and buy something like that. Well anyways Ill accept donation ;) you know what they say " Dont hate donate".