@Attitude2000: ahh i see. The recommended specs seem awfully high? they must be over exaggeration to leave some breathing room. or im talking out of my ass.
I really hope this games has some success. Just because everyone is bashing it. BTW, he is a pretty damn good rapper. Just listen rather than look at the way he dresses or acts. He is way better than a lot of other rappers.......especially todays new and hot radio trash. He is also a really good producer.
Will the game be bad.....maybe. could It be a mobile game that pretty good for a couple hours of play, maybe. The point is STFU and STFD! he is where he is for a reason. If he want to expand and try new thing sure its his money and time.
Done with the game. 3 hours roughly playing non stop. Pretty fun. Is kinda like a story book. Pretty interesting. Let's just say for that three hours I always wanted to know what's next, or figure out the mystery.
XxAK47xX's comments