@Daian @Grenadeh it was more like a very small joke that he slipped in very well done and classy I would admit. I still am purchasing an Xbox One.< further advancing the original joke. ROFLcOpPtEr
these are just retarded numbers. who in the world has that many friends. I like to keep a list of friends under a 100. this is not face book where you add and request everyone and your mother.
@Diablo-B @xxxxTRISTAMxxxx I just sold my perfectly working xbox 360 yesterday. the console was in perfect condition with no problems since launch day 2005.my ps3 on the other hand that barely gets used got replaced a couple of times.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha once again sony fan girls get their words shoved back into their mouths. Sony fans are really the unlucky scum of the gaming world. its justs specs people relax and play you dam games on the console you choose.
@hXcShock i kinda know what your saying. I played the last of us and i freaking loved that game. But there is no other game that got me more involved than this series. as far as involvement with the story this game was much better at that. Last of us was an amazing game, don't get me wrong. BTW try not to look at the score until you read the pros and cons. A number is just a number. i can say random numbers based on my current feeling too.
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