Why is that all the trailers for NBA 2k14 are shown as ps4? is this one of the deals sony has?
XxAK47xX's forum posts
im not sure how i feel. im going to buy phicical games untill i see what they do with the following:
- family/friend share plan
- disk to digital trade in
- digital benefit ( pricing )
- digital trade in.
i dont like a lot of American cars but this one and the new line of for cars are pretty nice and a overall leap from the previous body styles. Ford gets my +1 approval. this is on styling not reliability.
@kingoflife9: ....thats nice :)
well i mean 2 were from gamespot running in "HD" and 3 were from youtube @"1080p". plus a bunch of programs i opened in the back ground. either way, thats alot of pressure to put on a cpu, let alone a low powered cpu.
Ok I'm some what in the market for a full windows based tablet or one of those laptop/tablet split apart things. Ok so I went to best-buy to look at a bunch of them. I came across a HP x2 split with 2GB of ram and an i3 processor that was the Yseries(low power). ok this was either a duel core with H.T or a legit 4 core. it had a max clock speed of 1.6ghz but even on full power mode it was capping its self off at .9ghz. I was able to run 5 HD videos streaming and have other apps open in the background. All of this was butter smooth.
how is this possible. There was no slow down at all. I could do this on my home pc which is an A8 ( duel 3.5ghz w/ H.T) 8GB RAM . But to run that on such a low clock speed and low ram? can someone explain? same goes for the asus transformer book that is new. it was a quad atom processor that's 1.3 - 1.8ghz, 2GB and its able to handle so much.
It's some Black Friday deal target is doing. I do hope the eventually do something for X1
@BFKZ: sounds like you need to pull a gaming marathon. Once the new systems are here you will be too exited to play the others. At least for a while.
@s0ldier69: oh yea I heard about that deal. I would do that but when I paid for my games it was with credit that I got from my games.
- Xbox One
- Forza 5
- Dead Rising 3
- BattleField 4
- Ryse:Son of Rome
- NBA 2k14
- Fifa 14
- Extra controller
- Xbox live 1 Yr renewal
its going to be a great day! BTW 400 dollars of this all came from trade in money at game-stop. I had my xbox 360 and a bunch of old games.
What games will i see you playing this November?
G-TAG =swiftcurrent3
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