gr8 news : WE FOUND CHARLIE (my dog) !!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
someone found him on the main road and took him 2 the Hazelton Animal Center yesterday and we calld 2 c if he was there and he was
horrible news : i got so excited 2 c charlie again tht i wen on my uncles quad and i was goin a little fast and i hit the bak brake and i flippd
GR8R NEWS : IM OK!!!!!!!!!!:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P
wen it was flippng i jumpd into the air abt 6 ft and laned abt 8 ft from the quad
im like the luckiest kid alive
my mom was on the front porch watchn me and as soon as i landed i got up and strtd jumping up and down jus 2 show her im alrite
usualy she cant run but i was a good 50 ft away and it took her 10 seconds
so ya crazy day but i luvd it
but it was also the scariest
well im glad 2 b alive
God helpd me survive and broght CHARLIE BAK !!!!!!!!
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