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ps3 can w8

the ps3 can w8 bc theres a real good deal on the bass i wanna get in a packagetht comes with 2x more stuff for less

anothr reason is cuz im thinkn abt gettn an N64 again

jus 2 get bak the classic gamin style with the n64 controllr

plus there r still alot of gams on the n64 tht rnt on the wii shop ch

so how much wud it b 4 the n64

wud they hav it in gamestop/gamecrazy

ive been playn alot of older games latley so ya


the scariest thing just happend 2 me yesterday

ok so i got bak fom OC, MD 2 days ago and yesterday i was riding myu bike with my friend and he went across the road so i followd him bc i thot there were no cars comin and i got hit


it didnt hurt as much bc it was an old man drivn

but i was in shock for abt 5 mins i cudnt feel a thing

and wen i went on the sidewalk i saw tht i had 3 big bruises on my leg 2 on my finger 1 on both hands and my angel ( suprised i ddnt break it) hit my bike wen i was hit and now irs sprained and now it hurts like **** wen i walk on it

it was evn more scary wen i flippd the quad

2 strikes alredy nxt time i dont think ill b so lucky

so im glad im still here and not in the hospital


i need 2 ask a question

how do u pre-order a game at gamestop

cuz i dont know how and i nvr did it b4

i wanna pre-order METROID PRIME TRILOGY

so how do i do it and how much money can u put on it


stuff i wanna get

ok over the past months i wantd 2 get

1. Dean Demonator Metalman Bass (amp, pick)

2. JVC Everio GZ MS120 Cam Corder

3. PS3 (60 GB)

so i kno its a lil early but im jus sayn

so im goin 2 wilkkes barre 2 get a new deck and sk8rs bag

and wen i get tht im savn 4 CONDUIT and WII POINTS

after tht im savn

( kno its rly early) but 4 xmas im askn my mom 4 the ps3 and mayb the camcorder

and my birthday is a week after so ill ask for a guitar center gift card so i dont hav 2 sav all of it bc with all of it ill need $276.97

so ya



is NARUTO on TV anymore?

im a big NARUTO fan and i kno its on the NARUTO website but my comp. is rly slow and crappy

so if u watch NARUTO tell me were i can watch it

dang..... :'(

well the reason y i havnt been posting in a while is because my dog charlie pssd awaay on the 6th :cry:

but my other dog and i needed a new dog 2 play with(its not the same without anothr dog playn)

so my mom and dad got us a pure breed german shepard hes gunna b 8 weeks old next tuesday

hes sooooo cute

itdid cheer me and my dog up alot but shes like all wierd and doesnt kno wat 2 do

but wen Buddy ( german shepard ) gets bigger theyll b playn alot

so ya

i still miss charlie tho :cry:

i even miss my dog tht was put down from a stroke wen i was in 4th grade he was a blk lab dog and he was 13 he was rly old

i still havnt recovered from him

i was with him since i was born too

so ya i luv my dogs i cant live without them

gr8 news and horrible and G8 news again

gr8 news : WE FOUND CHARLIE (my dog) !!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

someone found him on the main road and took him 2 the Hazelton Animal Center yesterday and we calld 2 c if he was there and he was

horrible news : i got so excited 2 c charlie again tht i wen on my uncles quad and i was goin a little fast and i hit the bak brake and i flippd

GR8R NEWS : IM OK!!!!!!!!!!:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P

wen it was flippng i jumpd into the air abt 6 ft and laned abt 8 ft from the quad

im like the luckiest kid alive

my mom was on the front porch watchn me and as soon as i landed i got up and strtd jumping up and down jus 2 show her im alrite

usualy she cant run but i was a good 50 ft away and it took her 10 seconds

so ya crazy day but i luvd it

but it was also the scariest

well im glad 2 b alive

God helpd me survive and broght CHARLIE BAK !!!!!!!!
