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finally nintendo put THE LEGEND OF ZELDA MAJORA'S MASK on the wii shop ch.\

i need some points rllllllllllllllllly bad so tht way i can giv my sister my COLLECTOR'S EDITION cuz i hav ZELDA OOT 4 wii

so ya

i have $14 i need $6 more plus tax

cant w8 till i get points


random topics + games lookin foward 2

ok i hav no idea wat 2 tlk abt so im jus randomly sayn stuff

i 4got 2 play my games but playn zelda games 1st

i need ideas on how 2 keep my sister from steeln money from my wallet

im bored

iv been listening 2 rly good music la8ly like Metallica, Cradle of Filth, Cold Driven, Godsmack, Papa Roach, Lamb of God, ect.

went 2 crappy dance

made friends in neighborhood ( good thing abt it is tht there sk8trs so they can help me sk8bord betr)

i killed my self yesterday from falln on my deck(sk8bord) i landed on my pocket knife & hav a blk ad blue mark on my leg as the shape of the knife

got nasty bruse on my back from skating

i think thts it

but srsly give me som suggestions on how 2 hide my wallet were my sister cant find it

games tht im lookn foward 2 r Redsteel 2, Zelda Spirit Tracks, I Am Legend (not sure if it was real but i saw it in nintendo power), DSi,


bored+ playn all games ovr

im so bored

so since im so bored im gunna b playn all my games again

ill strt a list & tell u wen im done wit a game

i;ll strt wit the GCN games , DS , then Wii

Wii list

1. Super Mario Galaxy

2. Naruto CoN Revolution

3. Zelda Twilight Princess

4. Monsters 4x4 World Circuit

5. Mario Kart Wii

6. Zelda Ocarina of Time

there r some games i cant do ovr & there

1. Metroid Prime 3 Corruption (hard as hell)

2. Super Smash Bros. Brawl (i alredy did it)

3. Animal Crossing City Folk (hav some good things)

4. Okami (nvr got done wit it the 1st time

5. Guitar Hero World Tour (no point in doin-ovr)

now 4 GCN(gamecube)

1. Freestyle Metal X (alredy strtd)

2. Zelda Wind Waker

3. Zelda Twilight Princess

4. Zelda Majora's Mask (gunna take 4evr but it was fun the 1st time)

5. Zelda Ocarina of Time (i hav it 4 wii but itll giv me somtn 2 do)

6. The Legend of Spyro A New Beginning

games i cant do

1. Starfox Adventures (nvr finishd it)

now 4 DS

1. Metroid Prime Hunters (ill try i nvr beat it)

2. Kirby Squeak Squad

3. Zelda Phantom Hourglass

4. NEW Super Mario Bros.

5. Super Mario 64 DS (nvr beat it yet)

i think thts it

o ya i pickd out all the games i dont play and im gunna go 2 the mall somtime this week & traid em in & im tradin in my Guitar Hero World Tour Mic (i dont sing) and a Wii Remote Grip 4 games tht u can use the remote verticly


I'm sad & heartbroken

I'm sad because my friends are still making fun of me & I don't know how to get them to stop.

Any ideas?

I'm heartbroken because my girlfriend broke up with me and my friend showed me his convo. on AIM of what they were talking about and she said that she didn't like me and that she was being forced to be with me.

Well... she didn't really break up with me.

I did.

i don't know how it's supposed to go, but it doesnt matter anymore.

Well since i haen't been on in a while, I have a simple question to ask of all of you floks...

Ask me anything!!!!

Not really a question but who cares.

i basicly h8 my life now :'(

well u can tell by the name tht i h8 my life now

its all bc of my frends ( well there rly not my frends anymore)

they dont kno how 2 listen

there all immature 2 yr olds (not kidding)

they make fun of me evry single day

the reasons

1. bc i listen 2 music tht they h8

2. bc i like naruto

3. bc they think i play the wii all day but im ether outside, walk my dogs, or doin somtin else

4. bc of my voice (its very deep and deeper than theirs) they think im fakin it 2 show off

5. they keep sayin tht im tryin 2 act kool 4 evrything im doin ( 4 example im sitn in the caf. and i hav my head down not tlkn or lookn at them they get mad and strt sayn tht im just tryin 2 act kool)

6. ummmmmm.... i think thts it but i srsly h8 it

but imagine evry single day of the week frends r makn fun of u

rly pisses me off

well i guess thts it

o...2 more 6. they make fun of me cuz i ware blak all the time and they keep calln me a posr goth

7. they keep caln me emo cuz i poke myself with a pen 4 the hell of it

so basicly all the frends i hav r u guys and the girls in my class plus my gf

so.... if u guys hav any tips or idk anything 2 get them 2 stop comment

sick + special day Sunday + kool online game

ok first of all i was sick from Sun-Tue. but now imm betr

2nd of all sunday is a special day is cuz (not evn sure tht makes sense im not thinkin straight 2day) im goin 2 the movies wih my girlfrend idk wat movie were sein yet but its most likly 2 b horror

so ya there u go ill post a blog f me telln u how it was

heres a rly kool game (explicitescences containing blood/gore and strong language)

cya l8r

srry i wasnt on...

i was busy with some school work and school problems

so im back 4 awhile

so srry i didnt post the blog again but here it is

ASK ME ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!

4 things

1. i got a 3DG (Three Days Grace) One X CD fri 2. i rented RYGAR :BoA its alright 3. doed YouTube hav a bug cuz evrytim i go into my channel a page comes up sayin 400 not found 4. i 4got bout my blog yesterday anyway ask me anything

help me out here...

... w/ AIM i need new ppl 2 talk 2

so if u want just comment on this blog

4 wat ur AIM is

mines above this thing u ppl call a "blog"

just kidding
