Half of this review should have been edited out. This guy obviously used this as a platform to whine and cry about how some internet tools made fun of his peer for his/her/it's crying and whining about women being portrayed as objects, whores, etc. Guess what, Johnny? No one gives a shit about your stance on how you feel about your coworker. You're usually a funny guy but you went over the top here. I honestly don't care if he doesn't come back to Feedbackula -- another will replace him and the site will carry on.
This article tells you all you need to know about EA and their schemes. The fact that this guy has the gall to say something as egregious as this. Did he think EA was running a clinic on how to best run a company? The same company voted back-to-back "Worst Company in America"?
I couldn't care less about EA. As far as I'm concerned, I hope they go bankrupt. You can only go so far as a company when you're dubbed Worst Company in America, twice.
@bottaboomstick @philly215 It's okay bro. Philly uses monitors that can be thrown away to his retarded cousin in Europe. It's totally environmentally safe.
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