This game is getting hammered on Metacritic. It's not as bad as Knack... but it's close. If you average all the review scores it is a 6. One site gave it a 3.
Holy Crap!! It's actually a 4. I though Forza 5 looked great and was reviewed well. I can't say I'm shocked though. I expected Forza to be good and this to suck. I was right. Silly Xbots need to stop being fanboys and be grateful for the good games you do have. I love PS4, but I would take Forza 5 and Dead Rising 3 any day over Knack. Let's face it Ryse sucks as bad as we thought it would. Good looking graphics mean nothing. M. Night Shylaman has great special effects in movies... but a good looking movie doesn't make it a great move... LOL
@emptycow718 @Xx_DemonSoul_xX So far... aside from that... I'm digging Battlefield 4, Resogun, and Blacklight Retribution. Too many FPS' though for me. I am waiting to get my hands on AC 4 to see if it lives up to the reviews.
@profileap600 @instigator81 Some people will buy Xbox for Forza. I think his point is that Forza couldn't move units as fast as a new Halo could. Bigger fan base.
Xx_DemonSoul_xX's comments