@greenaj @Xx_DemonSoul_xXIt will be interlaced in a variety of ways. For example: cable is already doing it based on your preferences. If you watch a lot of ESPN, you will tend to see more ads tailored to men like Beer and BW3.
So if you tend to order a lot of Pizza using Xbox's new Pizza Hut app, you will get pizza ads constantly on your homepage. Like order now and get a second for half off. As one of the moderators pointed out earlier, Kinect can even get in on the act.
FROM User: Nocoolnamejim
"In a previous interview, Penello suggested that because the Xbox One's Kinect can read facial expressions and determine levels of engagement, Microsoft could provide this data to advertisers."
@Riddick123 @greenaj Precisely. Besides, what Microsoft is doing is more subtle than that. It is about tailoring ads based on your life to the Adbox One.
Kinect: I noticed you like eating crap... Buy this crap too!
@SurlyPotato @Xx_DemonSoul_xX @At3fD I don't think it will fail. In fact, I do hope it does well. Competition breeds excellence. I don't want a world without options. Then you get the crap EA does when they monopolized things like NFL and NCAA licenses. You get copy and paste, change one thing every year but charge full price garbage.
Xx_DemonSoul_xX's comments