@spartanx169x There is nothing wrong with that. It saves you the frustration of release dates, helps you avoid bugs/glitches usually sorted out by the time the GOTY edition comes out, and you don't have to worry having to spend $100+.
@Paul2004 Somebody else pointed out that it is better to just be patient and wait. Red Dead is a good example. I got all four DLC packs including undead nightmare, a free dlc with bonus fan service content, and the full game for $29.99. My buddy paid over $100 to get it piecemeal as dlc was released, alongside a new purchase!
@Williams0907 @Xx_DemonSoul_xX Thanks. I'm glad people understand where I am coming from. I think this game will be amazing... but for heaven's sake... let me enjoy it before you start asking for more money.. Sheeeesh...
@nocoolnamejim That is so true. As soon as developer/publisher starts defending something not even released, that is an automatic red flag. It is sad how bad gamers are fleeced these days.
I cannot wait for this game. But I am so sick and tired of day one dlc. The ad should be like this:
YOU just spent $60 on this wonderful brand new game. Now spend another $20. For some skins, a challenge map and maybe a single player dlc down the road?!?! Sigh...
I am getting to point where I am not buying additional content regardless going forward. I am so tired of being fleeced for skins, mediocre content, and a map here and there. That is why games still cost $60... they want to charge you more, so instead they try and get you this way.
Heaven forbid a game comes out with one price tag for everything.
@pyro1245 @Xx_DemonSoul_xX @dmastor Got it. And good question too. I am not sure why he would oppose it? It's a win for business at the expense of the consumer.
Xx_DemonSoul_xX's comments