@Prometheus I know dude. I am disappointed given how fun the stealth was in Deus Ex. They should know better. But like Kevin said... constant reloading screens instead of smooth gameplay takes you out of the experience.
@pellep Kevin's review sounds accurate. I'm still going to play it because it looks fun. At least my expectations are low at this point. Maybe it will feel better now that I think it is going to be meh... LOL
@unreal101 @Xx_DemonSoul_xX I am waiting for LoS 2 to turn out to be an egg too. Though the demo was fun, I am the only person who likes LoS I think. I hope the next developer though does a classic castlevania with next gen graphics. That would be sweet.
Here we go again. Another year full of promise and the big games are turning out to be mediocre. This is starting to feel like a repeat of last year when all the big games in early 2013 turned out to be junkers. Sigh...
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