This is awesome! ( :
And I just finished AC brotherhood, and currently playing Dead Space 2
So..bye for now. :D
XxorigxX Blog
Brotherhood or Black Ops ?
by XxorigxX on Comments
Hey everyone!
So these two awesome games has came out latly, and Im a big fun of both assassins creedandcall of duty.
I just got some money and I really want to buy one of these games..I know its a hard one, but please, I need your help :P
Any way I just want you to tell witch of these games I should buy (:
Have a Nice Day!
It has been years since I visited gamespot! I forgot how great this site is! ( :
by XxorigxX on Comments
WOOOOOOOOOOOW It has been so long since I was here, I forgot how great this site is! (:
I dont know where to many damn good games!
Im currently playing Halo Reach, and I must say this is one awesome game!! I mean its almost pefect! (: I may review it..just may (;
And I reached something like 37k gamescore...Im so proud of myself (:
Anyway I just wanted to say hey!
This is just a quick update ! :)
I got The Beatles Rock Band...
by XxorigxX on Comments
"The Beatles"
After a very long waiting I finally got my hands on the newest Rock Band game: The Beatles. And I must say, this game is amazing it got some of the greatst Beatles song and some pretty sweet graphics. Im playing this game a lot so I will write a review on the game as soon as I can.
Just another questionwhich game do you think do you think I need to buy Dirt 2 or Forza 3, I really got into driving games lately will be very helpfull.
A true story I didnt just made up =P
by XxorigxX on Comments
A story about Hatif.
The following contains sexual themes,violence, racist people,use of drugs, strong language and Dora and her stupid monkey.....Enjoy (This is NOT a reall story) Please dont take this story seriously, it is all a big joke and I dont really mean those things.(I guess I was very very very very........bord)
Once upon a time there was an evil little kid named Hatif. Hatif had alot of friends, but helaughed at those who didnt have friends(pure evil). When Hatif was 8 years old he got his first shotgun, his first gun he got when he was 4 years old.
One day Hatif got angry on a kid from his school cuz he stole his falafel so Hatis shot him 3 times because his is very evil. Hatif got away from prison, he shot everyone who saw him killing that kid. Hatif was only 9 years old when he first smoked and drunk a full bottle of bear(maybe 10)it will always be a mystery, no one really knows how many bottles Hatif drunk that night(spooky music).
Hatif really really liked to play guitar hero he was very bad at this he faild every song on beginners Hatif got so angry so he killed his guitar(at least that what he thought he did), he shot her 3 times and she died from RROD...wait what..?!?!?
Someone names Yahef decided that he wants to fight Hatif and make him pay dam dam be continued
This story is so stupid, It was only ment to make you people luaght(hope it did)and it means NOTHING.
Just another blog post...
by XxorigxX on Comments
Just another blog post...
Well.....Well...not alot happend this week, I just finished Call of Juarez BiB, I played some Gears of War 2, played some more:P, I played Halo 3 I played CoD 4, I finshed Fight Night Round 4 Legecy mode for the second time(I just love this game), I entered the top 500 in gears 2 privet Guardian(Im in place 397) its pretty cool I think and I worked. Well that is pretty much it, what I have done in the past week and I just had that need to share it with someone. Tell me what you think, please.
Have a nice day!!
Making Friends.
by XxorigxX on Comments
Making Friends.
Hey everyone I'm just a bit board these times so I wanted to ask if some of you will want to play games together I own an X360 and my GT is Elikog, so if youhave a 360 and you want to play with me what ever game you wantyou can send me a messege on gamespot or you can send it to my GT.
Hope you will want to play with me, sorry for the PS3 owners that you have nothing to do with what I just wrote:P.
Have a nice day.
I got RROD....I think.
by XxorigxX on Comments
So I wanted to play my 360 but for my surprise I got RROD(red ring of death) I tried to fix it myself, but it didnt work soI called my friend to help me, and we faild. after about two hours I tryied to turn on my console and it stil wasnt working. Then I by mistake pressed the the power button on the console and it worked I have no idea how. any way I started to play and after about 1 hour I got again the RROD. So I decided to let my console cool down for a few hours. ............... "After a few hours" .......... my console worked again(yay) that was a very happy moment you should the look on my face =D
So that was my (real)story about the (very evil) RROD...hope you can help me.
Busy four new games.
by XxorigxX on Comments
This was a busy month for me, I got four new games this month.
Red Faction Guerrilla.
Red Faction is a pretty good game, long and great story mode, and very surprising good mutiplayer......the story mode took me around 28 hours to complete with a lot of side quests.
The second game I got is Fight Night Round 4.
I'm not a boxing fan but i still wanted to try this game and i was very surprised to see that this game is amazing, amazing graphics great Legecy Mode(story mode) and solid multiplayer with tons of things to do i recomend this game for everyone.
So the third game is Prototype.
I only played this for about 1 hour and this game is good but not as I expected thats all I can say for now hope it will get better as i continue.
The last game I got yesterday Call of Juarez Bound in Blood.
This is a great game didnt played is a lot but from what from what I saw this game is stunning and bout multiplayer I didnt got to play it yet but I'm sure it's gonna be good story is reallt great btw, a great game for FPS fans go and but this
Well thats it for now .....I knowI haventgot to be here a lot hoppe you can forgive me...=)
Dead Space review.
by XxorigxX on Comments
Dead Space Reaview.
My score for the game is 9.5
Well how do I start to tell you about this game.
When you first enter the space ship you see that somethnig really horrible happened and you are trying to understand what is wrong with this place.
As you probably know you are playing an engineer called.....(I dont really know the name)and basically the only thing you have with you are your weapons and those weapons are extremely powerfull.
Your main enemies in the game are infected people called necromorphe.
When you are playing the game you will find yourself fighting all kinds of necromorphe and a verity of insane bosses.
Your goal is to dismember your enemies, if you dismember their legs they will crawl towards you, I usually curb stomp them when they extremely funny.
But that is not all you can do in the game, you can upgrade you suit and your weapons with these things called nodes, you can also use the nodes the upgrade your rig, stasis and that other thing.
The sound design the graphics are perfect and textures look beautiful.
The story for the game is awesome and with a brilliant atmosphere the game is really intense and scary.
Overall the game is brilliant and a must have for all 3rd person shooter fans and of course horror fans.
This is the review I just wrote, feel free to say what you think about it.
Have a nice day!!
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