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XxorigxX Blog

Gears Of War 2!

This is going to be one of the best games ever made, I just wacthed the new vids for the game and it looks amazing. I'm a big gears fan and this game for me is the great thing could ever happened to a gamer and a gears fan and now the only thing I need to do its to wait and wait and wait, man the wait is simply killing me I cant wait for this game to come out and I 'm sure a lot more gamers.

P.S sorry for not being active.

Diablo 3.....

Diablo 3 announcement

Well it's been a long time scense the last diablo came out I'm not really a fan of the game but it's sure looks AWESOME! I guss we just need to wait.!

The new Prince of Persia....

Well this is a great picture Ghosts of the Past. I'm sure this is not how the real pakeage will look like but that one is really cool, well sorry for that short blog(well all my blogs are short:P) anyway I just wanted yo show you the pic hope you like it:) have a NICE day.

P.S: I'm now playing the bad company and it's awesome:D

Alone in the Dark.

I got the game and it's not so good as I thought it will be I mean the camera really sucks(really really sucks) and graphics and controls are great, the story is good as well and the inventory stuff are awesome. after all the game is great I hope I will find a time to write a review for it my score:7.9


New blog(whatever)!

I dont know I got in to a crysis I have nothing to warite about in my blogs it really sucks, cuz I'm trying to think about cool stuff and funny stuff and I cant think about s***. I hope that you can maybe help me with that thing and give me some ideas for my next blog.

Euro 2008!


Does any one even wacth the games, I know I do and so far the games are great. Well it's pretty sucks cuz Englend is not gonna be in the EURO(I still wanna cry:cry: )so cuz of that I think this time I will go for Netherland, they have a pretty good chance to win. And some of my family live there.

Whos gonna win??

Well I really want Netherland to win they got I really good chace, but Portugal is better and they will probabaly win or maybe France or Italy or Germany.....ohh damn I dont know whos gonna win.

What do you think about the EURO??

I got Ninja Gaiden 2!!

Ninja Gaiden 2

Finally I got it, I know it's not good as I thought it would be but it's still an awesome game! An it's really easy to get achivments, I 'm only on champter 3 and I got 20 achivments. Ninja Gaiden 2 is a great game!

Waiting list......

The games I'm so gonna get this year:

1.Ninja Gaiden 2

Alone in the Dark:

Gears of War 2:

Prince of persia(new):

Farcry 2:

And that's it for now I hope there will be more.

NEW Emblem!!

Yay I cant belive that finally I got a new emblem!!


"This individual is extremely generous when it comes to evaluating games. Each new game is "definitely the best game I've ever played!", judging by the very high review scores being doled out here. Speculate all you want, but we both know you're just jealous."

My 360 is BACK!!!!!!

I cant belive that and I thought my 360 will never come back to me well what do you know miracles could happen I'm so happy. It's should be coming tommorow and I pre ordered GTA so I cant wait to play it, anyway I'm pretty busy with my happiness now so I hope I will found the time to write my nest blog post.

P.S I'm sorry for not being active.