You should not talk about how MMO's being outdated and "f'ng" garbage if you proceed to talk about completely different genres in your comment.
MMO's are very popular and a lot of PC gamers play them, just because you dont doesn't mean others don't want them. World of warcraft is a prime example of a successful MMO, but even that shows age as it is dying down, but theres plenty of other MMO's out there that people are playing. With rift going free to play theres many players flocking to that game as well.
As for blizzard going bankrupt, doubtful, with world of warcraft as a prime source of income it wont disappear anytime soon.
As for SC2 being watered down? I don't understand the comment much if anything it added more to it, you still have to micro/macro and manage everything just like in SC1. The new units add more varity to gameplay if anything. I think SC2 is the only game that stays true to its roots.
@fluffy_kins Though its strickly opinion, resident evil 4-6 weren't really all that they're cracked up to be. And why people praise 4 as being so scary and so good is beyond me, because its simply nothing more then an action game.
If you've played the old school resident evils, 1-code veronica you'd be wondering what the hell happened to the series.
Xxthesorrow90xX's comments