@XxTheEvilxX @Tortugueta I completely agree, I find myself playing dark souls alot still and demons souls on occasion because they offer much more then some of these games out there. I always thought crysis was nothing more then a pretty looking game and thats about it, no real substance behind it just another average shooter with a few little gadgets. But games like dark souls/demon souls provide you with many different ways to play the game and give you so much replay value compared to alot of games. I mean I've got 4 different characters on dark souls...each one completely different. But that game excites me to much...its been a while since we've had something that provides a challenge.
@JudgeSim @BoromiRwcgeorge @PETERAKO You're complaining about a free to play game when you do the same stuff in games like diablo that you have to pay to win?
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