I honestly can't say, simply because, most of the bands I listen to, are my guilty pleasures. I would like to say I've been listening to Black Sabbath and Tool since yesterday. Flat-out amazing.I know It's been done before and will be done again. But It's also gonna be done now.
Simple question.
- Dream Theater
- Tool
- Porcupine Tree
- Radiohead
XxxExtremeNJBXx's forum posts
[QUOTE="Ninja-Hippo"]David Finches is always awesome!sammyjenkis898Panic Room Alien 3 The Game The Game felt like a good movie because of the ending(everything else was ok). I liked Panic Room, what was wrong with it ? I haven't seen Alien 3, so, I have no say. Any way, David Fincher is a genius. He's one-of-the-only directors' today that is still capable of making great movies.
Regarding the trailer, I absolutely loved it and I have been waiting a while for it. The moment I heard he was making it, it was automatically my anticipated movie of the year. I love the casting. The film looks like it may be as dark(knowing David Fincher, it may be darker) than the original -- I just love what I'm seeing overall, can't wait.
The House Of The Devil Let The Right One In The Crazies The Shining Fight Club The Game The Social Network. I could go on and on and on.So yeah, I'm on my free trial and it's really hard to chose something that you will waste 2 hours. There's thousands of movies to choose, can I get a must see, reccomended list? Btw, I love Thriller/Suspense/Action/Horror(not too exagerated). Thanks.
Lol.A friend of mine made me look at this video called "two girls one cup" once.
We haven't spoken since...
No Pity For A Coward - Suicide Silence. You'll love it.As the topic suggest share some best music you listen
breathtaking music :)
Thanks. I'm glad it didn't put you to sleep :) I'll second this. Still somewhat different views, but still, very interesting post.[QUOTE="GazaAli"]@YellowOneKinobi liked your post enough to read it all.YellowOneKinobi
Paranormal Activity gave me a few sleepless nighs. Other than that, Grudge also had me wetting myself at times.koospetoorsIf I may ask, what scared you about PA ? I watched it alone in a room that I could get as dark as possible. And I didn't find it scary, at all.
[QUOTE="XxxExtremeNJBXx"] "The odds that everything in the universe was created and that our planet and life were created by some freak accident is so improbable that there most be something else out there..." That's a little misleading for someone who believes in evolution.Omni-Slashsee I don't think they are mutually exclusive...Evolution makes complete sense...if there is a god whom started life and is all powerfull yada yada yada....he/she/it would know that life constantly advances...strives to be better....it makes sense that if an animal is born with an advantage it will use that advantage to the best of it's ability and progress..become better....man would be no different....humanity gets so caught up in thinking that it's so special...we are just animals....sure we can think..and may be able to realize there is a god....but that doesn't mean we were meant to be like god...or be in his/her image...we jsut are..... To each his own.
What made me believe in God? Mostly because that's what I was taught to believe while growing up (I'm Jewish). But once I started to critically look at what I was being taught any faith I once had slowly began to disappear, and now I'm about as certain as one could humanely be that there is no God.-Sun_Tzu-I, living with my parents and in my mid-teen years, was and am being taught Christianity. About a year ago, I began to question the fact of the existence of a God. Only to conclude with the fact that I think evolution is a ridiculous theory. The Bible, in my opinion, makes much more sense than evolution ever has to me. But, that's just my 2 cents.
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