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YamiGuzz Blog

im back...

.yes im back,I cut a deal with my parents, I told them i will put my PS2 away for like a week instead of being out of the computer.Thats great since i passed all my games, plus i still have my GBA.So im officially back...Believe it!!(sorry i had to say that)

Im leaving....bye

....well not leaving forever, just for like a week and a half I sort of been suspended of my computer from my parents.Too many personal issues to get into but i'll share one,I sort of got my grades. I failed my Algebra class....with  a 50 !!!.This is my lowest score in my history of grades.So I deserve a punishment..I will come back sooner or later, but right now i got like 10 or 8 minutes left.SoC ya soon...i hope

School today...

well today has got to be one of the weirdest days of school yet. First got late to school cuz i woke up late.Then i went to my first class,Art, then like half way through class my teach leaves and suddenly  a lady comes and says shes going to be the new Art teach for the whole year..After that i went on to my fourth class,IPC( or science same stuff),when my old Art teach is right there.in class.I was a bit confused why he was there.apparently my old science/IPC teach has"left" school.He said he was going to be there for a while.I dont know why my science teach left or what happen to the guy..Then in lunch i sort of saw a fight though it was broken up..well thats it.But all i know is i had a weird day.

My time is almost up....

My vacation is almost over....in 2 days!! i cant believe it. School sucks but im off to 9th grd and high school. Well ive had a good time off plus i got to be on this site. It's the start of a new chapter. i hope it doesnt turn into a nightmare lol At least i saw some cool movies, anime and i went to San Antonio, and i especially got to meet all of you... my friends of Tv/GS.com

The Alamo

I just had one of the best days of my life. I know many of you who are reading this dont care that much about this blog and this topic and i understand.

As many know I am a resident of TX. I have had this dream to go visit the alamo in TX. this past few days i went to go see it. I didnt care that much until i heard the story(or history) in school it is said that during the TX revolution people fought inside the old church for TX freedom and that it is really historic cuz the texans were outnumbered but stayed to fight. I had a good time visiting that place but it was REALLY hot there and of course its texas so that is expected. this probobly the only fun thing i will do this year but it is okay.

Summer vacation

I got out of school this past May(I forgot which day) and I'm happy. I hope i get a chance to go somewhere anywhere this year instead of staying at home playing ps2. I dont really like school that much, but i hope i start off High school right and meet even better people both online and rl, off to a great start on tv.com and Yahoo at least. Let's see what happens next.