OMGz! First I hit the rank of "Ikari Warrior" here on GameSpot and now this... Yesterday, I beat Bioshock 2 and reached a GamerScore of 11111. I almost don't want to get another achievement ever again cause that is so spiffy-looking! I have to say, I was not completely sold by the game so I am going to have to rant a bit...
Bioshock 2 is definitely a game worth having and, like most will tell you, it plays a lot like the first. This is a good thing and a bad thing. I've already mentioned this but, man, I kept hoping that, at some point, you'd really get to unlock your full potential and then face odds that would otherwise be impossible. By the time you really "max out" your stats, the game is over.. You wait for another plot twist or some sort of epic boss battle like in the first game.. No dice.
Don't get me wrong: Bioshock 2 is masterfully done. The music and environments, as always, are gripping. The voice acting is superb and the writing is top-notch. Sadly, Bioshock set the bar really high so I kept waiting for a jaw-dropping moment. You have a couple of moments were you say "SWEET" or "that sucks" but nothing really gripping. In my opinion, character development was lacking. Bioshock 2 filled in the gaps from the first game and made you hope for a surprise cameo appearance.. That never happens either.
Truly, the game is fun but, as a sequel, it failed. Fortunately, I find the multiplayer fun and, once the lag is fixed, it'll be a good staple in my all-nighter line-up. I'm being a bit brutal here and perhaps not very objective but, now that I think about it, I am a tad bit disappointed. A writer from Game Informer said that the game finally gets interesting in the last three hours but, if you ask me, it was more like the last hour of the game that really makes you hope that the end is not near and then.. BOOM - GAME OVER.
Just out of a sheer morbid sense of curiousity, I feel like replaying the game, perhaps at a harder difficulty, just so that I can be a little evil and take a different approach to everything. I agree that remote hacking took some of the fun out of the game but the bigger issue is the fact that you don't really feel like you are a Big Daddy. Alpha Series or not, you expect to have a little more uNF when you fight as the big boys. I can see a mob of Splicers being a little trouble but one-on-one battles should not be much of a threat. Those should be your pick-up matches, the battles that rub your ego a bit, ya know?
Overall, I look at Bioshock 2 as a microcosm of what is wrong with the video game industry today. You hear all these talks about developers shutting down studios or selling out. Why is that? Is it because the demand for quality games has gone down? Is it because pirates are costing the studios THAT much money? If you ask EA, they'll take the latter as a scapegoat but, let's face it: pirates are not the issue. These days, game studios boast budgets that would make some Hollywood film makers jealous. Sadly, most of these dollars go to the fluff of the games.
Call me crazy but there is a lack of quality writing, replay value, and character development as a whole throughout the industry. I play older games and get sucked in.. Newer games lose my interest quickly. Video games have turned into gimmicks. You get drawn in by flash and fancy tricks, shell out some cash, then wait eagerly for your next fix because, the more money you spend, the less of a high you're getting from your digital crack. It's a shame, really...
I'm not knocking 2K, Irrational Games, or whomever else was involved in the development of Bioshock 2. I realize they lost some key players on their team and, thus, played it safe when putting the sequel together. At least they're not pulling total tard moves like EA is lately. I just feel they had a lot more polishing left with the game. I would have been fine with another delay. This release feels like it's missing something. Even so, I still rate the game highly but, when compared with the original, there's just no comparison. Meh...
On a brighter note, anyone have any retro-style or old-school games that hold a special place in your heart? Please share. I mentioned that Ikari Warriors was one of them for me but there are quite a few games that always get me nostalgic. I think the original Mega Man and Final Fantasy games definitely are up there. Zelda too... And Super Mario Bros 3. Good times right there. Heck, I even liked Super Mario Bros 2, even if it was a weird one-off production.....
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