Yojhosh / Member

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Yojhosh Blog

My First Union!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(coming soon)

hey everyone i was wondering if when i make my first union,who all wants to help me out with it?i would be glad to have a lot of people to come and join my first union when it gets made,just to let every1 know that i only have 56% into lvl 5 atm,so it may take a little while until i get my union,whoever wants to join my union just track me and ill be glad to invite u guys,ty for all wanna help me

Elite Four On Pokemon LeafGreen Version For GBA

i almost beat leafgreen for GBA,but i had no more revives or max potions left to heal my pokemon and my strongest was fainted and the other strongs were fainted and i had only a lvl 53 and a lvl 44 and a lvl 43 and i got whooped bad,i was so mad....i am back at the begining of them now,it sucks because when i do beat them i can go catch mewtwo in cerulean cave,i cant wait......if anyone can give me some tips on what pokemon i should use ill be happy to hear what you have to say about how you beat them also what their weaknesses are.....thank you for all your help
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