[QUOTE="Fawlcon_Pawnch"][QUOTE="insanejedi"][QUOTE="HarlockJC"][QUOTE="insanejedi"]So it's like Facepunch Studios where it's nazistically stupid?
I have no idea what your talking about. It's where most of the pros post. Do you remember that whole event with the guy that did Too Human posted a thread about the game saying how good it was.
That was a GAF
That is something you will never see here.
Dennis Dyack only posted in there because it was essentially free PR for the game. It was the biggest independent gaming fourm and is what probebly contributed the fact that the game actually sold. Bottem line: He posted there because it was the biggest, if System Wars was bigger than NeoGAF in terms of number of people using the fourms and people posting, he would have most likely posted it here.
There are leauges for posting? Where do I sit then? Amature? Minor Leauges? Is GAF the NHL of fourms? Wat?
It has nothing to do with the number of members, its all about credibility.
Developers and industry hot shots in SW? :lol::lol:
If you actually rembered anything, Developers actually posted in Gamespot, in particular a Prey developer posted to complain about the score it recived.There are actually many other examples to that.
Well usually in Neogaf, Developers post and you can ask them questions like I did, I asked George K.( Rare's PR) a lot of questions, I don't know if he got annoyed but he was pretty cool and replied back fast. I also asked questions to a developer for Mushroom men, I learned that day that he is a big fan of Chrono Trigger lol
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