Out of all three consoles. . . PS4. . . Overall, a PC. I don't even have a PC gaming rig yet but now I understand why PC gamers are the way they are. All this crap right here is not necessary. Microsoft knows they over priced the system this time around and Sony OVERLYOVERPRICED it last gen and learned there lesson which I really appreciate them for.
@mountainexplore I totally agree. At the end of the day you choose which system is more convenient for you and what you would enjoy the most. If you own both systems and also a PC more power to you and enjoying titles with friends and family.
Sleeping Dogs was a Brilliant game. Unfortunately due to Activision canceling the game, I felt as if he story was just a little bit rushed and forced into one direction around the end. But I am really looking forward to sequel and great online play. I also expect the same for Just Cause 2 but with hopefully single player co op and some good online modes. Square enix can earn a thing or two looking at titles like Mercenaries 2, Saints Row series, and Rockstar's GTAIV and Red Dead Redemption..
This Final Fantasy is obviously another milking once more due to the amount of money they loss with ridiculous projects and breaking down FF XIII in the first place so it could fit on the Xbox 360. I didn't even bother to pick up FFXIII-2 because FFXIII pissed me off so much.
Young_Charter's comments