No surprise. They were heavily de-emphasized after the move from 360 to Xbone and the botched launch of the latter. I'm honestly surprised they even bothered to keep them as long as they had. Good to see the 360 avatars still being kept around; I'd have hated to see compatibility with Doritos Crash Course broken. I'm not joking either, that's some good, dumb fun.
Must EVERYTHING be a whinge? Really? I'm not a fan of how the election turned out either, but your little dogwhistle isn't going unnoticed. We get it, you don't like gamers.
On the game front, I'm not sure I'd just call it a Hitman clone, since there's obviously another niche they're filling (sniping), but I can see where more creative kills can be compared to the Hitman franchise. I just hope they're not implemented in a clumsy way.
That we're even talking about a remaster of Horizon Zero Dawn shows how disgustingly horrible this generation has been at the big-budget level.
A live service Horizon will appeal to no one, because like Last of Us, Horizon is a damned single-player story game, that survives on its story and the connection to people at the individual level.
@olddadgamer: I'm no Console Wars trogledyte, and you're not wrong about the possibility that the Xbox might be sold off. I just wonder who would even buy it at this point? They've had exactly one successful generation. I doubt Sega has the money, and I can't imagine anyone else being interested.
As for Nadella, he DOES strike me as the sort who would prefer to have MS be only a "serious" company. Not without reason, I feel. I remember when the Xbox first came out, people were wondering why Microsoft was even getting into the console gaming arena in the first place. This could be less Nadella "not liking" games, and more him not seeing where Xbox fits with the rest of their portfolio... Though the Activision buyout happened under Nadella, so I wonder what the hell is even going through his head.
@santinegrete: It's a point that pretty desperately needs to be made. Absolute tons of these live service trash heaps have burned to the ground, while Fortnite and Overwatch stand strong. The risk is starting to look like it's bigger than the reward.
@daidochus: For all our sakes, I hope the damage isn't quite as permanent as Dan Mattrick's has been. Microsoft has never recovered from the abortion that is the Xbox One launch, and I find myself afraid that Sony is entering the same black hole.
@illegal_peanut: I think Fairgame$ was already in development. Looking like another disaster waiting to happen. Wouldn't be surprised if that's the real reason the PS5 Pro is so atrociously priced - they're going to need all the money they can get when the last of Jim Ryan's pet projects goes up in flames.
I always take rumors with a grain of salt, especially on GameSpot. That said, at least this one doesn't say " - Report" on the end, so it's got 1% more liklihood to be true.
I doubt the system goes beyond $400, unless they put out an OLED version on launch alongside the main version. Nintendo's clearly not doing anything close to cutting-edge here, and they're going to be laser-focused on families as they always are.
@just_visiting: Still, it's professional courtesy. If a company submits a game for certification, at least look at the damn thing. What the game is or isn't is not the problem. Who knows how many other companies are having this issue.
@wahsobe: Well,OBVIOUSLY it's better to have more competition than less. However, it's hard to deny that Microsoft has been completely asleep at the wheel since the Xbox One launch, or worse, trying to bow out of gaming gracefully. Sad as it may be, we're in a better world if everyone in the industry is passionate about it than having a puttering, uninspired Mircosoft just taking up space.
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