And you have a Wii with you and a TV and you have a choice of ONE game to bring with you (online is avalible) which would you choose? Me? pretty hard but I can get enough Super Smash Bros Brawl!
And you have a Wii with you and a TV and you have a choice of ONE game to bring with you (online is avalible) which would you choose? Me? pretty hard but I can get enough Super Smash Bros Brawl!
Got any questions about Girls, Cars, Cooking, School? Well here is the place to ask! Any question you have you can post here sort of like a mini Yahoo Ansrews but instead more intelligent. Question away and have fun!
Never belive rumors no matter what IMO.;title
It really makes me sad when I read about people pleading for their account back, I really feel sorry for him :(
Get one, there are heaps of great games. Dont let the fanboys tell you what to do either.
0. But only beacause next to the picture under 'Top Viewed Users on Yfrog' was the Jonas Brothers :cry:
*insert wall o' text here.*
Now the list is legit.
even with your corrections, the 360 would have 20 exclusives (not counting xbla games) and the ps3 would have 17 exclusives (not counting psn games). the TC's original list had the 360 with 27 "exclusives" and the ps3 with 21 "exclusives" (once again, not counting arcade/psn games as they don't count in SW).
Hey, dont drag me into this all I do is play games and couldnt give a crap about exclusives.
83% from The Official Nintendo Magazine Australia/New Zeland, Great Score
Fast Paced action
Looks fantastic
Loads of unlockables
Deep online Multiplayer
Needs more of the '80s Turtles
I occasionally see people debating over which consoles have more and better exclusives, so with that in mind, I wanted to set it straight and see which of the two current-gen consoles really have the most and best exclusives. I'll be updating this list from time to time as newer games come out. I also understand that some games have exclusive downloadable contents, but I'm not going to be listing those here. I will list all the games for each system that has received an overall rating of 80% or higher. The ratings are from The list will be categorized from highest to lowest. Please note that I'm not trying to be biased nor am I trying to start a flame war. Also, I would like to say that the ratings don't necessarily determine whichconsole is more superior as your gaming preferences may differ from others. Btw, the reason why I added Xbox 360 games that are also available to the PC is because I'm comparing the 360 and PS3, as console wars are always about Microsoft vs Sony.
[List Updated on Sept. 22, 2009]
Xbox 360 Exclusives:
Gears Of War (Xbox 360/PC) 93.88% -- 110 reviews Not Exclusive
Halo 3 (Xbox 360) 93.37% -- 91 reviews
Gears Of War 2 (Xbox 360) 93.23% -- 81 reviews
Mass Effect (Xbox 360/PC) 90.71% -- 86 reviews Not Exclusive
Call Of Duty 2 (Xbox 360/PC) 89.84%-- 88 reviews Not Exclusive
Forza Motorsport 2 (Xbox 360) 89.61% -- 80 reviews
Left 4 Dead (Xbox 360/PC) 89.02%-- 61 reviews Not Exclusive
Project Gotham Racing 3 (Xbox 360) 88.77%-- 94 reviews
Fable 2 (Xbox 360) 88.35%-- 84 reviews
Halo 3: ODST (Xbox 360) 86.48%-- 29 reviews
Project Gotham Racing 4 (Xbox 360) 86.47%-- 71 reviews
Dead Or Alive 4 (Xbox 360) 85.65%-- 87 reviews
Viva Pinata (Xbox 360) 85.56%-- 67 reviews
Dead Rising (Xbox 360) 85.07%-- 101 reviews
Crackdown (Xbox 360) 83.26%-- 90 reviews
Condemned: Criminal Origins (Xbox 360) 82.33%-- 81 reviews
Viva Pinata: Trouble In Paradise (Xbox 360) 82.20%-- 52 reviews
Halo Wars (Xbox 360) 81.88%-- 72 reviews
Tales Of Vesperia (Xbox 360) 81.88%-- 52 reviews
Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars (Xbox 360/PC) 81.79%-- 51 reviews Not Exclusive
Ace Combat 6: Fires Of Liberation (Xbox 360) 81.56%-- 58 reviews
Perfect Dark Zero (Xbox 360) 81.51%-- 94 reviews
Ninja Gaiden 2 (Xbox 360) 81.38%-- 68 reviews
Kameo: Elements Of Power (Xbox 360) 80.63%-- 91 reviews
Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts (Xbox 360) 80.54%-- 59 reviews
Lord Of The Rings: The Battle For Middle Earth 2 (Xbox 360/PC) 80.06%-- 59 reviews Not Exclusive
Flatout: Ultimate Carnage (Xbox 360/PC) 80.05%-- 52 reviews Not Exclusive
PS3 Exclusives:
Little Big Planet (PS3) 94.50%-- 75 reviews
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The Patriots (PS3) 93.14%-- 83 reviews
Demon's Souls (PS3) 91.43%-- 14 reviews
Killzone 2 (PS3) 90.38%-- 77 reviews
MLB 09: The Show (PS3/PS2/PSP) 89.88%-- 29 reviews Not Exclusive
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (PS3) 89.64%-- 80 reviews
Ratchet & Clank Future (PS3) 88.60%-- 77 reviews
Wipeout HD (PS3) 87.47%-- 47 reviews
MLB 08: The Show (PS3/PS2/PSP) 87.00%-- 35 reviews Not Exclusive
Valkyria Chronicles (PS3) 86.98%-- 50 reviews
Resistance 2 (PS3) 86.84%-- 62 reviews
Ninja Gaiden Sigma (PS3) 86.72%-- 58 reviews Not Exclusive
inFamous (PS3) 86.33%-- 75 reviews
Resistance: Fall Of Man (PS3) 86.29%-- 78 reviews
Warhawk (PS3) 84.14%-- 61 reviews
MotorStorm (PS3) 82.96%-- 75 reviews
SingStar (PS3/PS2) 82.50%-- 53 reviews Not Exclusive
MotorStorm: Pacific Rift (PS3) 82.45%-- 54 reviews
BUZZ! Quiz TV (PS3) 81.28%-- 48 reviews
Disgaea 3: Absence Of Justice (PS3) 80.89%-- 40 reviews
Heavenly Sword (PS3) 80.67%-- 80 reviews
Xbox 360 Arcade:
Braid (Xbox 360/PC) 92.43%-- 53 reviews Not Exclusive
Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2 (Xbox 360) 90.09%-- 47 reviews
Shadow Complex (Xbox 360) 89.48%-- 54 reviews
Peggle Deluxe (Xbox 360/PC) 88.79%-- 29 reviews Not Exclusive
Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved (Xbox 360/PC) 87.60%-- 30 reviews Not Exclusive
The Secret Of Monkey Island: Special Edition (Xbox 360/PC) 87.44%-- 25 reviews Not Exclusive
Ikaruga (Xbox 360) 87.15%-- 33 reviews
Trials HD (Xbox 360) 86.27%-- 39 reviews
Defense Grid: The Awakening (Xbox 360/PC) 86.08%-- 13 reviews Not Exclusive
Splosion Man (Xbox 360) 85.88%-- 42 reviews
Bomberman Live (Xbox 360) 85.24%-- 34 reviews
Worms 2: Armageddon (Xbox 360) 85.00%-- 21 reviews
Castle Crashers (Xbox 360) 82.75%-- 44 reviews
Pacman Championship Edition (Xbox 360) 82.73%-- 33 reviews
Uno (Xbox 360) 81.59%-- 22 reviews
Sensible: World Of Soccer (Xbox 360) 81.40%-- 15 reviews
Marble Blast Ultra (Xbox 360) 80.86%-- 28 reviews
Cloning Clyde (Xbox 360) 80.45%-- 38 reviews
Rocket Riot (Xbox 360) 80.37%-- 24 reviews
PSN Store (Arcade Titles):
Flower (PS3) 87.47%-- 47 reviews
Comet Crash (PS3) 86.17%-- 6 reviews
Super Stardust HD (PS3) 85.78%-- 23 reviews
Shatter (PS3) 85.48%-- 27 reviews
PixelJunk Monsters (PS3) 83.92%-- 37 reviews
Everyday Shooter (PS3/PC/PS2) 83.23%-- 26 reviews Not Exclusive
Echochrome (PS3/PSP) 82.65%-- 31 reviews Not Exclusive
Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection (PS3) 82.18%-- 17 reviews
PixelJunk Monsters Encore(PS3) 82.14%-- 7 reviews
Lumines Supernova (PS3) 81.82%-- 17 reviews
Fat Princess (PS3) 81.54%-- 36 reviews
PixelJunk Eden (PS3) 81.33%-- 30 reviews
Bomberman Ultra (PS3) 80.25%-- 12 reviews
ZEN Pinball (PS3) 80.12%-- 17 reviews
Now the list is legit.
Wii pointer, I couldnt handle playing Dead Rising on the 360 the crosshair moved so slow thankfully the Wii fixed the only two problems with the game.
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