I am only playing on normal and this is my first Resident Evil game but I find it really hard to beat the part at the very start where the villigers are burning some guy.
[QUOTE="Yukoie"] It was very fun and is the best FPS on the Wii,
I am tired of lies. Metroid Prime Trilogy is the best FPS on the Wii, whether you like it or not.
The Conduit is hated for its lack of good gameplay in single player, and the many glitches and problems in the multiplayer. It has one of the best stories this gen though, and Wii haters, I have proof. Read it and weep. Just because it has a good story, does not mean it was presented well.
First off, welcome to the frontlines, son. Keep your fanboy head low and you'll be alright. Second Gmespot, not Gamestop, rates games. The other sells them. I agree the Conduit is a fun, well built shooter on the Wii. I say 7.5-8cainetao11
First I am not a fanboy and :oops: I wrote gamestop?
It was underrated in my opinion. It was very fun and is the best FPS on the Wii, just because some sheep hyped it as a halo killer why is it a bad game? Didnt Scribblenauts flop? it that a bad game? no. Im new around here so I just wanna know why so much hate for a fun Wii game?? PS - I think Gamespot rated it a 6.5 because there comparing it to ps3, 360 and PC shooters and of course Wii FPS games arent nearly as good as those systems but as a Wii FPS wouldnt it be like a solid 8.0?
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