Out Now: (7.0 or higher)Super Smash Bros BrawlMuramasa: The Demon BladeWii Sports ResortMario Kart WiiThe Legend of Zelda: Twilight PrincessSuper Mario GalaxyAnimal Crossing: City FolkLittle King StoryPunch-Out!!Super Paper MarioResident Evil 4 Wii EditionCursed MountainWii FitNo More HeroesWii SportsMetriod Prime 3: CorruptionResident Evil: The Umbrella ChroniclesWarioWare: Smooth MovesMadWorldBoom Blox Bash PartyThe House of the Dead: OverkillMario Strikers ChargedSonic and the Secret RingsWario Land: Shake ItDe BlobDeadly CreaturesZack and WikiSkate ItTrauma Centre: New BloodLets TapBattalion Wars 2Boom BloxTrauma Centre: Second OpinionKlonoaElebitsLinks Crossbow TrainingBig Brain Academy: Wii Degree& more plus heaps on upcoming games.-Yukoie
Hey guys, sorry to trouble you all but can all of you guys see my font colour fine or is it too light? Thanks.-YukoieEDIT: Hows this colour? too girly?
And a giant mutan monkey come out with a sword fish and threatens to steal your magic beans of the cloud wizard, what do you do?-Yukoie
[QUOTE="Solid_Tango"]She was actually a He..TeenagedUm no. She's a she.Anyway to the TC: she account-suicided.But why? (I am TC BTW)
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