@Gelugon_baat So that's all you have to say? :D Nice argument :D Btw it would be nice if Eric could joins us here and talk about his large racing experience :D maybe give as a few tips about parallel parking :DDD
I have presumed he is a casual gamer and maybe I'm worng but I did some research after your reply and here you can see his track sheet http://www.reviewtrax.com/author/ericneigher
He has done only couple of racing games reviews (Motorstorm:Apocalypse and Mod Nation), correct me if I'm wrong. Maybe he is playing racing games in his spare time, I dunno.
You have right to your own opinion and it probably works for you so I won't go into it, but things don't work like that in real life, at least not in mine :D
Lets say you have a brain tumor would you prefer opinion from the specialist or a general practitioner? :D Personally I suck at RPG and don't find them amusing. I can appreciate nice graphics but I could not imagine myself doing a review of Warcraft. Journalism is all about being as much objective (it's mission impossible :) )as you can and this review is far from it.
And one more thing I'd like to mention, I'm over 40 years old and I remeber time when there was no internet. :) I have played games on ZX 48k and Commodore 64 and remember waking myself up in the middle of the night, turning on my Amiga 500 and trying to solve a puzzle in "The Secret of Moneky Island". Modern games have evolved a lot, but gamers have not. :( When I say someone is casual gamer I think of person who like to play games on the consoles mostly and gets frustrated by everything that doesn't go his way instantly. Back in the days when Doom was popular the games were meant to be played and now gamers are controlled somehow by the games, told to press a key like a trained monkies :(
Don't get me worng I'm not trying to insult anyone here but I really miss those days. Games were hard and rewarding at the same time.
I guess this happens when you hire guy that's either casual gamer or someone who has no affinities for real racing games (except Mario Kart maybe :) ). The thing is that racing games should be reviewed by people who play racing games on regular basis and consider themselves as hardcore racing gamers (same goes for other genres). I didn't find GG difficult (finished it on Medium difficulty), Ridge Racer was far more difficult for me to play in the beginning until I learned how to drive. Dirt 2 was even more difficult, but I have mastered it after couple of hours and I believe it's one of the best racing games. GG for me is a nice crossover between arcade shooter racer and simulation and more entertaining and better looking than Twisted metal on PS3 for example.
YuriDen's comments