@BamaGoatt Ah oh well. It's nowhere near the level of say CoD or GTA now a days. Bugs Bunny-ish is a good way to describe it I guess, thinking back to big head mode and such.
@BamaGoatt Holy cow I thought EVERYBODY had played Goldeneye (James Bond, BTW). It was THE game to have for N64 and was pretty much the first mainstream console FPS.
I've played violent video games since I was 6. I also have had family dinners almost every night where I actually SEE and TALK to my parents every night. Parent your children, don't let a screen do it.
@rad8045 @Killer6b9 He only used handguns in the shooting, the rifle never left his trunk. Considering that, this could never of happened in Australia.
Thanks GameSpot, I didn't have eyes to just look at the pictures. I'm really glad you're there to explain to me what my eyes are seeing. Does this really need an article?
Yuusha09's comments