@endorbr Too bad ANYONE can walk into ANY GUN SHOW and buy a gun from another citizen without a background check. The majority of guns don't come from "reputable" dealers, they come from Jimbo who has a total of 36 AR-15s in his basement. Look at Australia, 86% decrease in gun violence after they enacted gun laws. IT WORKS DON'T SAY IT DOESN'T!
@Tuckpoint @J_Dangerously Should be how it was meant to be, senators and representatives were a side job. Most of the founding fathers were statesmen and businessmen as well.
Geez Katie, you could've walked out onto the street and found thousands of people who play violent video games every day and have no issues. Screw Bungie, get some real damn people to talk.
How about a law that says every time you see an adult buying an 8 year old a rated M game you can slap the shit out of em. That would get more accomplished.
Try making games that don't suck, and tell your marketing / business division that if a game REQUIRES 5 MILLION COPIES to be profitable you shouldn't make it.
Yuusha09's comments