LOL yea but mine was with systems...I used to be a big Playstation fanboy and I never got a ps3 and at this certain time didnt have a 360...but I was just trying to convince myself the ps3 was better than the 360...even though every aspect of the 360 is better...then....I had a 360 epiphany...oh and I got a quick question anyone know why I cant reply to post like use reply or quick reply? it just comes up a blank when i hit reply button and when i post its only my post not the post i was replying to...anyone help...the support forum didnt reply back to me
got a quick it says for the one achievement pick pocket 200 throwing knives....what ppl can I steal these i have to get to a certain part of the game first? anyone?
Well considering that one is a FPS and one is an RPG....uhh its kinda like comparing Dogs and cats....they are nothing the same...but if you want my opinion id go with COD4 cuz the mulitplayer is amazing and the single player is fun as well
Yea so Im not from Austrailia soooo the game isnt the point of you posting that was? obviously you didnt think....Yea most of us are from the U.S....and if I didnt know any better id say the US relase date is uhhh the 20th
Im not going to accept the fact that ME will be great...I mean how can I take a game seriously when its another sci-fi adventure with seth green? besides all the hype for this game on this forum gets annoying...its not even out yet
yea and assassin's creed got mediocre reviews from other sites...yet GS gave it a basically all sites have different opinions....sorry not a valid arguement
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