I'm gonna get one when I'm older, not sure what of though. But it'll be something that isn't stupid, and I'll get it in a place where I could cover it up easily.needled24-7
I don't believe the President should be COC and I don't think they should have to serve in the military either. After all, politics and the armed forces are two completely different career choices.. Instead of a small scrawny intellectual becoming President (it could happen), you could get a trigger happy beefcake leading your country.
That was diabolical. And not in the good way. I already posted a comment on YouTube as Fluddles saying what I think of the band but let me say this. Rap isn't terrible, I don't like it but that's just my opinion. It's poetry to a backing track, and what youhear on the radio and TV is NOT Rap. What you're doing is being incredibly ignorant. I'm a rocker too, and I love Priestess, Iron Maiden, Queens Of The Stone Age, and Megadeth to name but a few but it's idiots like you who make other idiots think we're intolerant! No one music genre is better than the other!
Stop what you're doing, lock yourself in a plain white room for a few hours and seriously THINK about your life and what the hell you're doing!
Racism is still a tender issue these days as it hasn't been that long since Blacks were discriminated against in America and all over the world. Sure, we have equal rights now days but there are still people alive who were discriminated against for the colour of their skin. I'm sure in a few decades, we'll all be able to call each other "crackers" and use the "N" word on gamespot and nobody will care because the memories of what happened will be immortalised on plaques and nothing else.
I agree that white racism is irritating, especially with some mainstream shows such as "Pimp My Ride UK" where they try and embrace black culture by acting black. If anything, this comes across as being patronising and insulting. At least to me, just like calling people "African Americans" seems unnecessary these days. In time, all racial boundries will crumble simply because people won't care anymore.
Until then, STFU you crazy crackers.
Imagine if I said STFU you crazy "n" word. I would probobly get banned.
That's more or less exactly my point. I explain why in my post, or at least I try to.
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