@aci808 I would actually be more than happy if consoles would start running games at 60fps with at least 1080p. That would mean that most ports to PC would not suffer from consolitis.
@DARKSPACE @ZOD777That sounds like someone representing the company would say. They have done their research and know that on average, players spend more money on the FTP model. Why do you think EA was considering putting "Free to Pay" (misspelled on purpose) in every game until consumer backlash made them think otherwise?
It is all about consumers not having control, and them luring you in to spend more than you should. Sure, you can blame the players themselves, but I blame the business model and it's structure in most games.
Inventory full, no prob...buy space.
Loot/Gear sucks, no prob...buy better ones.
Need transportation instead of running....buy vehicle.
It goes on and on. The way the games are structured in most cases, you are constantly hitting walls and limits to what you can do without shelling out more money.
@DARKSPACE @ZOD777 That is why they let you play for free. They WANT you to get into the game, fall in love with your character, and spend away. I don't buy DLC, exception to that was Fallout 3, Skyrim, and GTA IV. They have you right where they want you if you consider 60 dollars a starting point.
The point is, FTP only exists because it nets them more money than it would have to release a standard 60 dollar release. Otherwise, they wouldn't do it. Trust me on that one.
@DARKSPACE The inherent problem with FTP models in most scenarios however, is that you are constantly hindered by things if you don't pay, and what you would end up paying for over time greatly exceeds that of a FLT at 60 dollars. I would rather pay 60 dollars and get it over with, but they know that they can dangle the next carrot in front of you to get you to shell out 5-10 dollars here and there. Free to play is a wolf in sheep's clothing too often for me to get exited about any game that includes a FTP business model.
@hiphops_savior Exactly. So many mental institutions have been shut down, that our county jails and prisons are the only place some of these people have to go to get medicine and at least see a state funded psychologist.
Depending on the terrain, most infantry engagements in open areas are at 200-400 yards (sometimes more). I know this is supposed to be a military sim, which is why I don't really enjoy it. It is more simulation than it is game. I just can't really get into games like that when you are shooting at specks. Especially when you take one to the head when laying prone behind a rock with only your gun and head exposed from a guy that is nearly 500 yards away with an AK47. Games like this are just too frustrating IMO. To each his own though.
@senorpianist What financial benefit is there to winning a fan vote on a gaming site? Accolades are secondary to financial gain in the business world. Besides, I doubt GS is shipping some plaque or trophy off to Bethesda.
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