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No money = No games

I need to find a way (most likely a part time job) to make some fast cash before the holiday season. Not only do I have a bunch of toys I want to buy for myself, but I also need money to buy friends and family toys for Christmas (teh lame.... [not really]). So, here is my so called "to buy" list for myself: - Nintendo Wii: $250 + tax - Super Smash Bros. Brawl: $50 + tax - The Orange Box: $55 + tax - Rock Band: $170 + tax Total cost: $525 + tax = $569.63 Ok, so I know I'm a bit ambitious in my spending, but I really want all these games. I think I might just hold off with the Rock Band since I am having a great time with DrumMania V4 right now. Anyway, I have always had a $250 Wii fund sitting around in my bank account awaiting the day I find a Wii in stores (still no luck to this day), and I know I have enough money for "small" purchases such as The Orange Box and SSBB, so all that leaves is the money to spend on other people for the holidays.... oh well, I guess I'm just going to be an ass this year....

C'mon level 3!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is lame. I have to wait for my GameSpot level to reach level 3 before I can start posting links and images on the forum and my blog. :(

Here I am!

Ok. The thing is.... I stopped using the tag "paranoiasurviva" a long time ago, I just never bothered to make a new account or change it. So, here's my new account with my new tag. :D

Double Rock!!!

Teh w00t!

One of the arcades in my area updated their Guitar Freaks and DrumMania to V4 RockXRock!!

This easily takes off my concern for not having sufficient funding for Rock Band next month, since I'll probably betting my fill with Guitar Freaks and DrumMania two games. I was kinda hoping that the people at the Mesa Golfland (the best arcade in Arizona) would just order a new DrumMania machine entirely, so we could use all the features of V4, but oh well; double rock is better than old rock either way.

Even though I'm stoked about the new games, it kinda sucks that I'll be seeing more fat + smelly people there playing. *sigh*

Damn nigerneys.

In other news, I'm finally finishing up BioShock, since I'm starting to lose interest in Halo 3. If by the end of this week, I don't get the rest of the single player achievements, I'll probably stop going for them altogether. I have a plan to finish up the multiplayer achievements though .

Also, The Orange Box hits store shelves in a couple days. I'll be sure to pick that one up after my classes. TF2 looks too fun to miss!