People are being very very ignorant to the always online component. It's not for DRM...not really. It's because of the glass box engine. It's a mass simulation controlling thousands of different entities. The memory that would take on your pc would be insane, so some of the computing power goes to their servers to figure out the algorithms and such. And if you wanna play the game on your own then that's perfectly don't have to play with others and your city doesn't have to controlled or influenced by them either.I was totally against this idea of always being online, but the more I hear about this game the more excited I get, the depth is unreal and every component has it's place and is necessary. I think people need to be a little more open towards this, people complain when there's no innovation (COD) and complain when there is (SimCity).Yes I am aware though that some people still have sketchy internet connections and some wanna play on a laptop on a long journey though..and I feel like that's the only pitfall with this always online thing. Also, I hope this can be installed on two pcs. Me and my brother would love to play this game together, but no way I'm buying two copies.
Retarded fanboys everywhere. Personally I couldn't care for this game or the series, I came here to see what all the fuss was about and to see how this game turned out. I watched the review without any bias then and the criticisms seem fair and I think the score represents those well.And 7.5 is FAR from a bad score! You guys are still going to buy the game, and you're not going to enjoy it any less knowing gamespot gave it a 7.5.(I did find this review pretty damn spoilerific though)
ZachBobBob's comments