Probably because the story for Just Cause 2 was HARDLY a story...or a good one at that. People played that game for the balls out hilarity not for the story.
Most gamers play games for the story, that's the vast majority of games have one.
I remember when these used to be REALLY funny and informative at the same time, back in the day when it was called...I actually can't even remember what this series used to be called now :|
But yeah, this is still one of the better shows on Gamespot, I love seeing new ones, I just wish some humour was injected back into them again :/
@VenkmanPHD @ZachBobBob @Sevenizz There's a sort of fine art to traffic checking I think :D Plus the tracks are designs amazingly, people think that fact you can ram half the traffic means you just never crash, but there's so many obstacles and crap you have to dodge and weave through.
And I actually love it when you're just blazing through lines of traffic on a highway and it just get's out of hand and there's cars flying everywhere. Plus you can't exactly check lorries and large vehicles.
ZachBobBob's comments