If you want a real challenge that provides you with a gamer euphoria unlike any other after accomplishing seemingly impossible tasks then Dark Souls. If you want a gaming experience that draws you into a virtual fantasy world where you can do what ever you want whenever you want then Skyrim. Watch some gameplay of both of them to get a taste of what you can expect.
Zalcor's forum posts
Dark Elf battle mage all the way!
the game isn't nearly as good as when you have a full squad on Xbox Live with your friends, if you don't have enough playing BF3 you should add some of the people you play with who have mics so you guys can dominate the other team together, its an amazingly good time.
hell yea feel free to add me, Senior Jorje is my GT.
las vegas? the logo looks like it's hinting towards a money theme (casinos) and what better setting for a GTA game than Sin City?
check out this lil indie game called, Overgrowth. Not really RPG or stalkerish but it is open world with ninja rabbits.
I don't think the game got the proper ending it deserved but I also doubt that the Joker is gone completly, there's a big possibility that he isn't actually dead I mean the whole time we thought Joker was cured it was only Clayface, so who knows what's really going on with Joker. I'll admit that if Joker is actually gone for good than I would also be saddened as he is my favorite villain as well.
Batman will bring you a more constant stream of pure happiness and bliss, gliding around the city is crazy fun, however you probably won't play it nearly as long as Dark Souls can last you. Dark Souls is also an exceptional game but it's very hard and you will die a lot, you will yell at your tv, you'll probably even throw your controller (I did) but when you defeat the bosses are get past a certain spot that's been bugging you, you'll receive a gaming euphoria unlike any other. Batman is literally the best super hero game out there but once again, you will probably get more game time in Dark Souls as it took me roughly 70+ hours to complete while Batman is around 20 hours. Don't get me wrong 20 hours is a great amount of game time but if you're on a budget you'll probably want a game that will last you longer.
You should try to get accustomed to using the 360 controllers if possible. PC gaming may be the best out there but in terms of shooter controls I prefer the 360 over anything else out there. The triggers feel great when firing guns as it gives you that more realistic approach.
The beta was months old and a vast amount of problems from it have already been fixed for the final version. Even if the game shipped with all of it's bugs and glitches I would personally still prefer it over a CoD Map Pack priced at $60 bucks.
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