I agree that that Morrowind was better than Oblivion, mainly for me tho it was due to that diversity in the environments. Oblivion was a great game in it's own right however, but damn those Oblivion gates!!!
Zalcor's forum posts
It's a great game, both single and multiplayer. I don't know about the dlc but there's definatley still a community for the multiplayer. The replayability depends on how much you enjoy it but I personally have owned it since day one and still play it.
Wheres Skyrim?? That is for sure my goty if not THE goty
I bought it day one regardless of the many negative reviews. I'm only 17 and am definatley not a die hard Duke fan. But this game, ironically, is a breath of fresh air. Sure the graphics aren't great, the load times suck, and theres a few fram rate issues, screen tears every once in a while, but the game gets so many things right. The dialogue is hilarious, as long as you can handle very immature jokes, the creativity is ingenious, the multiplayer is old school chaotic fun, and it's got great variety in the campaign.
Think they're gonna bring them back in Skyrim? In the bloodmoon expansion the setting was pretty similary to the snowy tundras of Skyrim. Please Bethesda, bring them back!!! And really what was more fun, Vamps in Oblivion or Werewolves in Morrowind? Exactly :P
well Transformers is a pretty good game, best transformer game out there by far for sure, but I wouldn't say it's as good as Splinter Cell. The campaign for WFC is fairly short for both sides but the mulitplayer is actually pretty damn fun! Splinter Cell has a great campaign with no multiplayer. All in all its up to you though. WFC for shorter campaign but multiplayer, or Splinter Cell for one hell of a kickass ride. I like Splinter Cell a bit more personally
yep, theres actually more than just one rush map for one. Theres 4 new game types, each with more than one map. Oh and theres also a singleplayer campaign, very big improvement from the one map one game type I thought I was picking up, boy oh boy am I happy.
BFBC2, no other game will last you as long as this, the addictive multiplayer is mind blowing and you will not want to stop. Do yourself a favor and pick it up now!
What? It definitely will not be Nathan Drake. I doubt naughty dog would allow Rockstar to take their character to incorporate into their next title. Besides, then it would most likely be a PS3 exclusive and Rockstar wouldn't do that now a days with the economy. I truly do not believe that Nathan Drake will be the next character. Also how would Nathan possibly fit into a GTA story? Nates all about treasure and loot, not crime in the city and gangs. Nathan is to much of a goody two shoes to work for the mob. All and all, Nate will most likely not be the next GTA character.
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