[QUOTE="ZeEhEiK"] We should keep this civil (though that is asking a lot).
Stalin WAS an atheist. He didn't kill in the name of atheism; however. He ruled under the direction of Marxist philosophy. Stalin never ordered the deaths of thousands because of their religion. Those that held strong to their religion left Russia with little difficulty.
Re-read your history. Stalin killed HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of priests, baptists, monks, and Jews.
Religion kills. Hundreds of millions. Untold millions have perished in the name of god. That is disgusting. The modern world has no use for organized religion. One can hold their own beliefs, but they should be, in no way, transferred unto others against their will.
Don't make up statistics. Religion has caused about seven percent of all wars in known history (I know; I counted them). Hundreds of millions have not died due to religious conflicts.
Which wars did you count? How about the Bosnian crisis in the early 1990's. Indeed, that fight was deeply rooted in religious zealotry, namely between christians and muslims.
Nonetheless, the countless millions killed related to religious manipulation are the millions that I point to. Not just the crusades, not just the inquisition, but the millions led to anger, war, and murder by those humans who manipulate their followers via religion.
Yes, humanity kills, with the zeal of religion furvor.
It is disgusting. I'm sorry. But I find it to be true. And I'm not the only one. 10% of Americans agree. That's 10% more than a hundred years ago. The case is much stronger in Europe. Some nations, such as Sweden and Switzerland, are enveloped by atheism.
Atheism is not a trend. It is result of scientific understanding by the masses.
I should mention, I grew up in a very strict catholic family. I studied at a catholic school, received all my sacraments, and finally, realized, at the age of 15, that I had my own mind not tethered to a "power from above." At that moment I felt a rush of love. Love for life and all of its possibilites. There is no fate, there is no damnation, there is no god. Soon, many of you may discover this for yourself.
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