I always thought that Americans had the largest stupidity-ratio of all the countries of the world, but perhaps I was a bit too hasty in my judgement. According to this article Iranians believe that war-epic film '300' is a portrayal of their ancestors as 'bloody savages' even going so far as to say that "Hollywood declares war on Iranians"
Now don't get me wrong, but that seems a little hasty. And ridiculous. And slightly offensive. Maybe they're a little touchy about their history, but surely they can accept that the Persians DID sweep an entire army over the country, in a bid to be rulers of the world. (C'mon people, we're not making this s***Â up.) There is a fairly accurate account of King Leonidas holding off Xerxes' army with only 300 Spartans. It's not like we have to fabricate history to make Tehran look bad.
Secondly, if we really are waging 'psychological warfare' by producing movies about historical events, then we've waged it on ourselves several times. Anybody see 'Dances with Wolves'? How about 'Roots'? or possibly 'To Kill a Mockingbird'? It's not like Americans are trying to cover up the fact that we basically murdered thousands of Native Americans and stole their land. We admit that the white man committed horrible acts of slavery upon the negroes. We know what our ancestors did, and we aren't trying to hide it.
And to be perfectly honest, I didn't think ONCE about Iran or Tehran while watching that movie! Not once! All I thought was 'Man, Xerxes looks kinda like a drag queen' and possibly 'More men should wear black leather underpants'.
Seriously people, not everyone is out to get you. Let's shoot for a little less paranoia and not jump to conclusions ok?
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