I have a Wii and a 360. The Wii was awsome until i beat Twlight princess so for now im bored with it because theres like no other really good games for the Wii. I got a 360 half way through 2006 because my birth day is that exact half way point( June 1st ) and all summer i played it and it was awsome but after i beat like all of my games i had for it i realized that i dont wanna play it anymore. Now i know theres gears of war, Rainbow 6 vegas( own both of them ), and theres GRAW 2, but i don't like tactical shooters that much to wanna play them all day. So PS3 has resistance fall of man which looks kool, but other than that i dont see a point to getting it because what awsome game series dose playstation has that nintendo and xbox dont have? Xbox has Halo, Nintendo has Mario, Zelda, super smash bros, and a couple others. Playstation had Crash Bandicoot which i thought of that series as playstations "Mario". Crash Bandicoot is probably in my favorite 10 games of all time( and why the hell did gamespot give the 1st Crash Bandicoot a 6.8? ). So now that isnt really even around for playstaion anymore. Metal Gear is a good game series but personaly i don't really wanna play a game as like a 60year old dude or however old he is. So I would say the 360 is the best console currently out of the 3 but i think in about a year the Wii will become and stay as the best console out of these 3.
Zelda_Maniac Blog
Best Console Ever?
by Zelda_Maniac on Comments
I would say the best console ever was the Nintendo 64. It had perhaps the best game ever, The Legend of Zelda Ocerina of Time. Not only that game but had many other great games including, Super Mario 64, Star Fox 64, Mario Kart 64, Donkey King 64, Majoras Mask, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Pokemon Stadium, and Super Smash Bros(theres probably more great games besides thoose but thats just off the top of my head). It had a werid controller design with the 3 handel things. I didnt see the point to the handel to the left because you hardly ever used it. But other than that it wasn't a bad controler, it controled well and u got used to it pritty quickly. Games were 64bit and that was great at the time. Even though with games like Gears of War and Resistance Fall of Man out now with just amazing graphics i still think the N64 has goodish graphics. So the Nintendo 64 is my favorite console ever and though it might not be yours I think it's safe to say it is a great system with great games.
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