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New Blog, Same Format, Staying up to Date....I Hope

I never use this thing.  People know me on the forums enough to not need to read this damn thing.  However I find myself recently wanting to keep a Journal even if no one reads it to have a personal refrence of what the hell im doing in Gaming and Writing.

1 Big thing I plan to do over the next year is Write a Book,  I have had this book in planning and years,  Why?  Im a Writer and I want to express myself.  The one problem however after talking to so many people I know in Publishing through Work, is that Fantasy never sells anymore unless established and people know what they are looking for. 

I have a serious gift for writing, I have this freaking Novel completly jotted out to Write,  But I have no Motivation because of this stupid factor.  Then Something Dawned on me that could actually work.

Neverwinter Nights 2.  A new engine that is so much more advanced from the First, A real party System, More Hardcore AD&D, and last but not least as playing it really feels like your playing Baldur's Gate, or Planescape Torment again.  And with the Modding Success the First Neverwinter Nights enjoyed with so many Modules Creating Career's for quite a few people out there in the Writing/Gaming Community, Why not give it a shot?

The Toolset can be used with Ease and you can use it to create ANYTHING you bloody hell want even an entire game in on itself.  So,  I can take my Novel Notes, Jot them down into the Toolset and create a nice Interactive Novel for People to enjoy.

Worth a Shot?  Sure,  Nothing probably will happen, however catching the eye of someone....Is it possible?  Perhaps.

The only Obsticle now with it, is the fact that It would easily take me a good year to Write this.  Patience, Ambition, and Dedication is what is greatly needed if I am to Accomlish this goal.  Of course I need to Complete Neverwinter Nights 2 first to get a finished feeling of the game and see just exactly how everything can do that can give one idea's on how to handle things properly with the Toolset.  So quite literally this project may not start for awhile until im ready to do so.

Im Rambling on,  but as I said this thing is for me to Read and remind myself of what the hell im doing and where im at.  Read it if you want........I guess I could use Feedback on the idea.

What are your thoughts of taking years of work and throwing it unto a NWN2 Module?

Marlies Woes

As I said I was at the Marlies game last night after the game was moved up a day due to the power outage.  It was a good game,  Lots of action, hitting ect..  very close too but the Marlies just could not get by the Griffins in time.

Leeb scored with about 2 minutes left in the game to Tie it up but less than a min later the Griffins Got a Lucky shot by Aubin to win the game 3-2 without forcing overtime.  Not a very good way to end the evening espeshally when it took us almost 40min to tie the game up just to loose it a minute later.

Great Atmosphere though and everyone had a good time with the game moved to the ACC.  Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment gave everyone a free Marlies T-Shirt as an apology for the Power Outage at the Ricoh the night before.

I plan on playing Suikoden V tonight.  More on that tonight or tomorrow.

Let's Start Again.

Been Awhile Sinse I have blogged and Im going to start doing it again.  Recently what have I been up to?

I purchased Final Fantasy Advent Children on DVD and im actually quite shocked at how well done the English Dub is.  Very professional and is actually insanely good to watch in both tracks,  so anyone who is curious as to how it sounds trust me,  no worries its fantastic.

Right now im playing MLB 2k6 on 360,  There have been Reports of the game having Issues with Crashing and other game bugs and every single person is experiencing this......Except me.

Xbox 360 to me which I love,  but it down right seems every single person has had at least 1 problem with it,  but I seem to be the singled out individual,  I have yet to have even a game (other than Oblivian but thats the game code) crash on me.  Everything runs fantastic and I have even had the thing on for 12hrs straight before,  It just seems to me like I have the only Flawless unit out there lol.

On Tuesday I also picked up Suikoden V for PS2.  I plan on it being my next RPG that I will Get into this weekend after my Exausting work week,  All my friends are telling me I have to buy it,  so I did heh.

Side Note Not Game Related:
I live in Ontario and with that comes Maple Leaf Fanboyism,  its just there,  And sinse we did not make the playoffs I decided to do something nice for my Father and bought us Tickets to see the Toronto Marlies in the AHL Playoffs (the Leafs farm team)  So we get to the Ricoh last night for the game and the Power is out.....Greaaaaat.  We have to sit and wait in the parking lot with the Pre Game show on the radio for updates,  (keeping in mind 5000-6000 people are doing this) and at 8:30 the announcement comes the game is not cancelled and moved to Thursday Night.  the second that hit,  about 2000 cars in the lot Started up and Yep.  The lot is just a mess.  They Sealed off the Exits and kept 1!!!!!  1!!!!! Gate open to exit.  You can imagine the frustraition and how long it took us to get out.

Anyway now the game is tonight,  However Now its at the Air Canada Centre where the Leafs Play,  which actually makes me happy.  The ACC may very well be the best Arena in Hockey,  its New,  And there is not 1 bad seat inside,  And now not to mention the fact that 5000-6000 people basically get Free for all Seating in a 20.000 person arena.  Makes me very happy

Format Woes.

Well, I formatted my PC last nite. Its just boring and annoying to do but its easy as hell to do. I usually do it every 6 months or so to give it a clean wipe of all the crap the spyware software ect.. cannot find it it works wonders every time. That and im to lazy to delete all those games and recover the lost space.

I picked up Oddworld Stranger on Xbox to play while I did it and Im really impressed by the game. its very different and fun to play. be a FPS if ya want it to be and a Platformer. its a very nice combo.

Not really much else to say atm, Not a whole lot going on.

LUMINES High Score: 51k now hehehe.


Shining Tears

So, With the God of War Conquered I have moved on to Shining Tears. (I will do GoW on God Mode sometime)

The Reviews For Shining Tears have pretty much been bang on in the fact that if your not a Hardcore Shining Fan you probably won't enjoy Shining Tears and yes they are correct. You really need to enjoy Sega's Style of the series to get any satisfaction out of Shining Tears, and Luckily for me the Shining Series has been one of my Favourite sinse the first Shining Force.

The Storyline obviously you all know from reading the review (even just the first paragraph of most reviews) so Ill skip that part and just get into how I enjoy it. The game is pretty slow at the begining. It introduces you to all the characters in about a 3 hour period with a Linear set of battles to begin the game. It shows you the Ying and Yang factor of the Twin Dragon Rings. Personally I enjoy using the Good Characters as my Partner so the main character is an Evil Bastard with attitude.

It's sort of funny. I normally play the goody character in RPG's but I really feel like being Evil this time around for once. Maybe thats God of War talking but I really like it.

The combat although basic is enjoyable except I don't enjoy how the Enemies are places on the battle maps. It feels so early 90's with the placement of units are as well as AI. The game isn't very hard by any means, I have roughly 8 hours played and have had no problems. Infact its too easy.

The Reviews seem to complain that the Music is of Midi quality but I just don't hear that. It may repeat itself every 1-2 Minutes but it is NOT midi quality. it actually sounds pretty good and the songs fit the situations well in story events. I do honostly beleve Reviewers just hate the style of it and don't want to give it any praise. But everyone who enjoys this series already expected in the area of 50-65% in reviews becasue its meant for its fanbase and not the average gamer.

Overall so far. Its a decent Game. its not amazing by any regards infact its far from it. Saying it is would make one Bias which im not. I just enjoy the series style but the gameplay mechanics are flawed and outdated.

But, I love their storylines. :D

God of War Completed!! *Spoilers*

WOW. I really enjoyed that game so much. It is without doubt the best action game ive ever played in my Life. I wasn;t much of a DMC fan but this...wow. Just blew me away. I never expected that Pandora's Box would do that to Kratos, I assumed the fight was going to be tuny insect against a massive beast like the other boss battles. Instead it sorta made me feel like I was playing King of Monsters lol.

It took me a few tries to actually TRY pressing O on Kratos's Wife and Child I thought at first maybe he would kill them or something lol So I never did. Once I figured out what that did I just used the heck out of my Magic to quickly take down all the Enemies.

So, Kratos is now the God of War. I wonder what the next game will be like. Who the Enemy will be. My only Complaint is that the game spent just way to much time inside Pandora's Temple, It basically was the Entire Game. I wish there were more outdoor enviroments, but thats what the next game can be for becasue this truely is the best.

At least its nice to see "Kratos Will Return" at the End.

Now I just need to beat it on God Mode :twisted:

Analyst's say PSP Launch Week was so-so

The report from these reporters is really annoying the hell out of me. of course Nintendo DS fanboys love it and while I admit I had a DS for awhile it doesn't mean im Biased toward PSP now that I have one but the reports really bother me.

First as IGN reported the PSP has sold between 500-600.000 units in week 1 of sales so only about 60% of them are sold out. Whats the problem with this in saying the initial launch was meh and somewhat disappointing?

The Nintendo DS Launched with 500.000 units shipped and it sold out and was very hard to find. What if Sony only Shipped 500.000 PSP's to North America? Same deal, You would not be able to find one and then in my opinion analyst's would then say it was the most successful Handheld Launch in history.

So just becasue Sony was smart and made 1.000.000 PSP units so it would NOT sell out they are stupid and in the wrong? the PSP has sold more units than the DS did in week 1 so in my opinion that sure as hell is more successful than the DS launch. Not to mention other than Super Mario 64 the DS has the worst game launch ive ever seen before. the PSP on the otherhand has had one of the best game launches for a system I have ever seen. There has to be at least 1or 2 games at launch that EVERYONE will want to buy and really enjoy out of the 10 or so games that came out with it. Every Genre was Filled in for the launch to make anyone happy Right down to RPG (even though its a Hack n Slash)

Now I loved my DS, But I sold it becasue Nintendo did nothing but give empty Promises for it. Its NOT an innovative new system. in the 4 Months I had it I still only had Super Mario 64. I just am not interested in Wario Ware which was overplayed on the GBA and Yoshi's Touch and Go was just not worth the 49.99 pricetag (CDN) Looking into later this year for it the game releases just arn;t using the touchscreen. Super Princess Peach? Its a Side Scroller that can be on GBA.
Advance Wars DS yea that will be great but cmon it plays exactly the SAME.

I think the DS is an Innovative System. But the Developers just arn;t using it and imo there is no point to own one just yet. give it 1-2 years still. Until then the PSP will be setting the bar. it has great games coming over the next year that just mop the floor with the DS becasue of its lack of Touch Screen Games.

So, I ask you this? What would you rather play Ridge Racer, Tiger Woods, Need for Speed on the DS, Or on the PSP? same controls, but really cmon the PSP has much better graphics and is just overall higher quality when compared to the DS that fails to use the touch screen effectively yet.

PSP insanity

So, I got myself a Carrying Case, Screen Guards, UMD Cases (for the carrying case), USB attachments, and I plan on picking up probably a 256 MB Memory card this weekend. I ordered them all from EBgames.com and suprising enough for the 13.95 pricetag on shipping, it got to me in Canada in about 15 Hours.

Lumines is still pretty much taking up my time. Its all I play when im on my Lunchhour at Work and Everyone just loved to crowd around and take a look at it heh. I still pretty much Suck at the game though. 17.000 Is my High Score, but im starting to see how all the chaining works to score bonus points and im doing a lot better.

Wipeout is pretty good but it gets quite hard on the Faster Settings that really require you to rethink your tactics to win the race becasue you can be destroyed so easily.

Havn't Touched God of War for 2 days now. But I plan on sitting down Friday Night and finishing it off. At least I think so. Im not exactly sure how far I am in it but my best guess is like 75%. Heck I might start tonight if Nothing is going on around here, That is unless I pick up Lumines. Then I can pretty much say goodbye to my evening lol. Its so addicting.

Lumines & Wipeout

Lumines must be one of the most addicting things I've ever played in recent years. Just sitting there for the last hour and not even realizing the time flies right by as it does it insane when playing it. I think I should read the book though a bit lol becasue I just turned it on and started to play. I think ive got the good idea of it down and ive unlocked a few things but I think im missing a few things i need to read up on.

This really does put Tetris to shame hehe. Fantastic buy.

Wipeout I've also played for about an hour, I've never played a wipeout game before but when I looked at it, it looked like it really would be perfect for a handheld racer on the go which really is perfect for me because it gives me the perfect time to do a quick tournament that takes about 15min during my breaks at work, or during my lunch hour.

I watched about 20 Minutes of Spiderman 2 also. Really high quality with the movies too its so impressive. I see a few UMD movies on the release list ill be sure to pick up but I really wont make a habit of it. I have a Really good Movie setup in my house as it is.

I got a PSP

Well, I decided to pack up my Nintendo DS and get a PSP. I really do like the DS except im just not impressed with the lineup over 2005 so I decided sinse its still worth 93 CDN for trade in I would do it.

So after Thinking about getting rid of my DS, I went through various other games I dont play anymore and decided to ditch the following games also

  • Skies of Arcadia Legends
  • Star Ocean: Till the End of Time
  • Dungeons and Dragons: Heroes
  • Front Mission 4
  • ESPN NHL Hockey 2k4
  • Magic The Gathering: Battlegrounds
  • Super Mario 64 DS
With all of these and my DS It fetched me about $250.00 CDN basically making my PSP 49.99 So I bought Lumines, and Wipeout. I havn;t tried it out yet ive just set it up and the battery is charging. Impressions soon to come.....

Also. God of War. Heheh Best Action Game ever. Im about 75% through it I think and its just impossible to put down. Ever sinse I started playing it Brothers in Arms has been put on hold until I finish this. If you don't have it yet. GO GET IT NOW!
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